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favorite my favorite pepper????????

I have 15 chili plants going this year and i have one plant that i have had since last summer
it's my favorite pepper but i dont know what it is. the heat is between a serrano and a goat's weed.
i bought it as a mystery pepper at my local nursery and low and behold it turned out to be
my fav.
here are some pics of it.
any ideas???
Wow, that is a huge plant, especially for a small pot like that. The peppers look like Mayan Love Cobanero to me. Is it a baccatum with peppers growing vertically that turn purple and then red?
This is the second summer for the plant. the peppers do turn red. the dark color is more black than purple.
some grow pointing up, but not all. the plant has small leaves. yea i think it needs a bigger pot!!.
my trick to over wintering was boiling water, it worked.
Actually, I think the Mayan Love Cobanero is an annum, not a baccatum, though thechileman.org and several others list it as a baccatum. I have one plant and it definitely looks more like an annum, but I haven't looked that closely, I'll check in a bit. Also, I'm not sure if goes purple, or does the striped black thing before going red. The purple is just going by what thechileman.org says, I haven't had one ripen yet.

Here are some picture from the internet

I only have 2 pods (planted it in a very shady area on accident), they're about the size of a cherry or maybe slightly smaller.
Also I think your trick to over wintering is called living in San Diego. With an average low in December and January of 49-50 you shouldn't have any problems over wintering, just keep them mulched during the winter.. You didn't poor boiling water on their poor roots did you?
yes i did :(

i live in the mountains of san diego (ramona) it get in the 30's

you have to admit the pepper tree looks pretty good.

P.S. the best match for my plant so far is the "chile maya"

the "Mayan Love Cobanero" shows al the pods dark at once, mine never does that.
the fruits start out lime green then they get the black striping and then red,
but theres only two or three red at a time, the rest are either lime green or green with the black. (i pick them when there green and black their so good).
they are firm no wrinkles etc.

do you sell avon?
That pepper plant looks fantastic, don't get me wrong, but pouring 200F water on the roots probably isn't a good idea. People pour boiling water on weeds to kill them. :eek: It must not have done that much damage though looking at the plant. I would just mulch it with some composted manure and maybe cover the base/pot/potting mix with a blanket or plastic or something if it gets in the 30s if it were me. A giant, well-established plant like that should have pretty decent cold tolerance though. I think there would have to be below freezing temps for at least 24 hours+ to do serious damage or kill it. I would pot it up too, that beast has to be root bound by now. :eek:

I checked and my Mayan Love Cobanero is definitely an annum, and it actually has about 10 pods. I'll keep an eye on it and see what the color-changing pattern is. I kind of doubt it turns purple like thechileman.org says, I'm betting it will go partially black like a jalapeno and then red.

The only reference to Chile Maya I could find was Reimers, or people quoting Reimers, and they're known for renaming things.

Are you asking if I sell Avon products or if I sell chile-related things like seeds? :lol: