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favorite My Favorite Node

Dorset Naga - this plant rocks. It's busy all over.

Wow bigt. There's more pods on that one node than one of my Bhut's had on the entire plant last year. That's just too cool.
Wow I was about to ask if that's normal, but by the responses I would probably think not. Is that a result of pinching buds for a long time and just letting it have a growth spurt or just a happy fertile plant?
Jeez! And at least four flowers fell off! I've heard of nagas with 5 and even 7 pods per node but 11 with the possibility of 15? I'm callin Photoshop! :lol:
Insert expletive *here*. I had up to half a dozen per node but was lucky to get 2-3 to actually set.

Way to go man, way to go!! Save some seeds for sure :P
Thanks guys for all the comments! This plant just seems to be a freak or something but I have two other Dorsets and they are both doing well. This plant just makes you laugh when you look down on it, it has stuff happening everywhere. I'll have to post a canopy shot as these guys ripen up. Seeds came from Hippy - good stock.

Silver_Surfer said:
Whoa, that's one busy intersection. That's definitely one plant I would overwinter. :)

I actually have another Dorset in a 7 Gallon that I was going to overwinter. It's a bigger plant than the "node monster" and has a bunch of pods, but not as concentrated. I am keeping track of my pods per plant this year so we'll see what happens in the long run.

FiveStar said:
Jeez! And at least four flowers fell off! I've heard of nagas with 5 and even 7 pods per node but 11 with the possibility of 15? I'm callin Photoshop! :lol:

Haha - yeah, I few have dropped, let's see how many of these actually ripen. Updated photos will follow!

PeteyPepper said:
Damn t, that is ultimate pod production right there.:shocked:

What are you feeding that plant???

Petey, this plant is in a 5 gallon of 100% Pro-Mix BX and all it got was a handful of Osmocote 14-14-14 when it got up potted in April. I just gave it a foliar yesterday of some weak MG Bloom Booster 15-30-15 as a few leaves have turned a lighter green. I think all the pods are straining it a bit. I'll probably give it some more Osmocote soon as it's probably running out of energy.

Novacastrian said:
Insert expletive *here*. I had up to half a dozen per node but was lucky to get 2-3 to actually set.

Way to go man, way to go!! Save some seeds for sure :P

Thanks Nova. I'll save some seeds for sure and send them your way.