My Current Setup

Hi all,
I figured its time this newbie shared his plants. I've grown a few thai chillies here n there before but I'm started to get obsessed about all the varieties out there. It's a TINY grow compared to most of you but its mine :)
So at the start of the season I planted the following seeds;
Bishops Crown - saved from a pod my wife got from a work colleague. Loved the flavour! It's a bit sick at the moment but I'm working on resolving that. The pic of the flower below is from when it was healthy

Thai - Saved from a plant I grew a couple of years ago, originally purchased from Bunnings. - sorry this ones a bit out of focus. - was a bit behind the others as it got a bit too dry while i was on my honeymoon and my sister was looking after my plants... so hasn't flowered yet but its close.

Anaheim - from theres a cool curly pod on this one too

Jalapeno - from

Aji Limon - from....eBay..... I know I know.... in fact I purchased it as a baccatum lemon drop, but once it flowered it was apparent it was a chinense....

Later on, I also started a Rocoto Red, also sourced from eBay... I'm confident it is at least a pubescens because of the black seeds and hairy foliage, but time will tell if its the variety it was labelled as.

This was my first time starting seeds indoors and I did minimal research. They were in some seed trays left over from seedlings id purchased previously in whatever potting mix I had around and under a CFL in a desk lamp. Seemed to work, but I'lll have some improvements for next season.
So currently all of these are in pots that are around 4 gallons. Pots have been spray painted gloss white and I'm having better results than I have had previously as this is keeping the root zones cooler. The Aji Limons did better than expected and after a failed attempt at growing watermelon I had a spare garden bed so that became the aji Limon bed instead. Looks like I'm going to get a LOT of these pods, so I'm going to try my first hot sauce too.
So I have also been busy creating a little seed raising box for next season. It's basically a box made out of MDF and lined with foil. I have some strips of 5630 LEDs along the top and a PC fan and some vents to provide airflow. I've been raising some spinach in it so far and it seems to be working well apart from some fungus issues I had before adding the fan. I'm also working on making this whole set up "smarter". I have an Arduino I've been writing a program for that will output the temperature, humidity etc to a little LCD screen and can control the lights/fan based on timers. It's a work in progress at the moment but I think it's going to work really well. I'm thinking about adding a germination mode for it too that will keep the lights off but adjust the fan as necessary to keep an ideal level of temp/humidity.

Thanks for taking a look! I'm excited about focusing more on chillies next season and hope to have even better results to share then!
drathag said:
Aji Limon - from....eBay..... I know I know.... in fact I purchased it as a baccatum lemon drop, but once it flowered it was apparent it was a chinense....
I have this one as Capsicum chinense Limón. Through the months it is one of more dependable Capsicum chinense varieties.
drathag said:
Later on, I also started a Rocoto Red, also sourced from eBay... I'm confident it is at least a pubescens because of the black seeds and hairy foliage, but time will tell if its the variety it was labelled as.
Did you manage to over winter the Rocoto plant?

I had fruit ripening on various plants throughout winter.
Nice looking start box. I haven't gotten myself an Arduino yet, but I may mess around with using my raspberry pi for something similar.
harry said:
I have this one as Capsicum chinense Limón. Through the months it is one of more dependable Capsicum chinense varieties.

Did you manage to over winter the Rocoto plant?

I had fruit ripening on various plants throughout winter.
I've been referring to it as an Aji Mochero myself. Seems to be just be an alternative name but helps avoid confusion a little. Nah the Rocoto didn't make it. Have a dozen or so plants ready to plant out now but would like the weather here to warm up more first.
AndyW said:
Nice looking start box. I haven't gotten myself an Arduino yet, but I may mess around with using my raspberry pi for something similar.
yeah a raspberrypi would work well too. It's been a big success. I've got some photos of how things are going in it over in the southern hemisphere growdown thread.