My current crop

I have two gardens: one on the north end of the property where everything grows like crazy. Tomatoes have been going crazy, and I have a bunch of bell, jalapeno, sessano and grande peppers.... I call that the 'not hot' pepper area.


The other side of the property, I just set up a strip this year and nothing seems to grow well. I put my little early grown sprouts out once they got about 8" tall, and this is a big as they have gotten in 3 months since:


Adding to the bad luck on that end of the yard, the kids took all my pepper type tags out of my seedling planters so I didn't know which were habs, white habs, medusa or ghosts. I planted some and left some in pots. They didn't hardly grow and I pretty much gave up hope..... today I DO see that they are bearing fruit, hooray! Some White habs, habs and ghosts are popping out!






There is hope for some really hot salsa this year!!!!!!!!!

Hi Garp, nice looking plot you have there, if I could make a recommendation, you might want to add compost to your soil next year, is it clay heavy? and if it is maybe you can slightly build up the planting area with extra soil and also dig a 6 x 6 in. trench where the grass line ends, that would help with any water run-off from either your's or the neighbors sprinklers, exess watering or rain.....good luck and enjoy!
Hi Garp, nice looking plot you have there, if I could make a recommendation, you might want to add compost to your soil next year

My first thought as well, it looks pretty hard and compacted and probably the reason for such slow growth, the plants look healthy I think the roots probably just can't penetrate the soil.
I added in 40 yd^3 of cow compost this season…needless to say it really works!!

The proof is in the putting…when you get a chance check out my profile and click the “About Me” tab. This is what your grow would look like when you get the soil right!!