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Moyboy's weight loss adventure

Well as most of you know, I have been MIA for a good part of 12 months, dropping in here and there to say Hi but that's about it.......

Lots of things were the cause of my absence and I won't bore you to tears with them all, but 2 reasons in particular sent me over the edge into a dark nasty little hole of depression and all sorts of other lovely things. Each thing on it's own is a massive life changer and I had both smack me at once and I choose to handle it by going aaaaaaaarrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhh for about 10 months and also by eating and eating and eating!!!!

Well I crawled out of my hole a few months back and the sun was still shinning lol. I got about myself and got my life back on track. the main change was my weight. In March this year I was far to over weight and was having heart problems, so I went to the Doctor and was told I was a heart attack waiting to happen if I didn't change my ways.............Well I did haha

These Pics were taken the afternoon I came home from the doctors 22nd March 2011 and I was 85kg (about 20kg over weight for my height).




This one was taken around the same time at a friends house and put on facebook which made me really take a long hard look at myself

Well after 3 and a bit months and LOTS of hard work I now look like this

These were taken today 23rd July 2011 and I am 67.5kgs and feeling bloody FANTASTIC!!!!!!

So far I have lost 17kg (about 34 Lb) and the difference is amazing. I now run at least 4km a day and sometimes 10km. I go to the gym 4 days a week I'm eating better without giving up the things I love (beer, bourbon and sweets), and I'm all of a sudden starting to get the occasional stare from the opposite sex :)





Oh yeah, who's a sexy Bitch........................ME!!!!!!!!
Amazing transformation! I mean one minute you're wearing a t-shirt and *BANG* a button shirt! AMAZING!
You do look great. awesome work!

You may not know this, but for the last four months or so (a bit more I think) I've been confined to either my bed or a wheelchair. wasn't eating much at first and got way too skinny REALLY FAST, but I regained all that mass when I started eating again. it's been about two months of non-stop eating and without doing any sport or really moving, there's a lot of "energy" building up. I could only hope to get back in shape like you once I feel a little better. you, my dear friend, are a true inspiration. thank you. :)
Congrats on your transformation Moyboy. It really feels great when you accomplish something like that for yourself doesn't it?

Omri, you will be up and around and back to yourself in no time! Continued well wishes on your recovery.
Wow, what a transformation, and in only 3 months!

Im going through the same thing currently and only hope to be as successful as you.

Omri, hope you get back on the horse soon too
Pip Pip Hooray!

Thanks for sharing.
Bloody fantastic! Thats some quick weight loss brother well done!
it has taken about ten years off your appearance imo, now i am going to have to dodge your FAT HEAD when we have a beer or two together next time! Hahaha