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movies Movie Scores

imaguitargod said:
Unholy cow! I was joking but I just looked this up. The guy who composed Commando is James Horner and he's done some great work. :shocked:

Who knew?

All joking aside, I remember Commando had some very distinctive Caribbean-type rhythms in the score, like steel pans and stuff.
Badger said:
Fancy defacing a quote with Commando though.
If only every quote should be so lucky. :lol:
Scott Roberts said:
All joking aside, I remember Commando had some very distinctive Caribbean-type rhythms in the score, like steel pans and stuff.

That and synths...horrible horrible 80's synths...that I sooooooo LOVE!!!
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Jaws 1
Back to the Future 1
The Dirty Dozen
The Great Escape
Stalag 17
The Death Wish Series
The Dirty Harry movies
The Blues Brothers
The Star Wars and Star Trek movies
Jakob the Liar
Prophecy(1979) (Only because I was 13 and it scared the sh*t outta me.)
"Last of the Mohicans" was an excellent score and one of my top faves. Chick flick or not, it was a damn good movie. I also dug the score for "12 Monkeys" a lot. And "Brazil" had a wild score also.

And for a odd choice, try "Claudine's Return"(aka Kiss of Fire). Very surreal film score.