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movies Movie Remakes - whatdya got?

For better or worse Hollywood doesn't have a new idea but once every 7th blue moon, so they churn out remake after remake after remake.

I just saw one last night but it occurred to me that there are others I've resisted so was hoping folks would pitch in and give a 1 paragraph review of a remake they've seen.

Recommend for or against & why. No spoilers please.

I'll take 1st crack:

Total Recall
I was a huge fan of the original and was kinda pissed to learn they had a remake in the works. But I thought it was fantastic - great action, and the changes they made to the "landscape of the film, while significant, were well done and became integral to the plot (much like the original). I would highly recommend this film, and I'm a little ticked I didn't see it in the theater.

Got a remake? Go!
I love the original DS. Even the revival series in '91 was fun to get into for as short lived as it was. I just watched Tim Burton's remake/reboot/reimagining. Whichever you wish to call it. I'm not sure how I feel yet. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. I enjoyed it, but I think if I wasn't comparing in to the original goth soap, I would have loved it.

Original DS was the shiznit. Mics in the shot. Actors stumbling over lines. When I used to work 3rd shift scifi channel aired it at 8am every morning I would watch it when I got home. It's on Netflix so I watch it every so often. Btw I've decide I enjoyed the new movie. I was comparing too much to the original when I watched it. Now looking back I will prob purchase it at some point.

From my dark shadows thread
That's the one I'm interested in next too. The original with Peter Weller was such a classic though, and from a visionary director - has me a bit worried that the subtle social commentary may be lost in favor of special effects/action.

It is a classic and I can't see how they will recapture some of the gritty edge it had,it will be a hard act to follow.
There is a few clips on YouTube

Winona Ryder nailed the remake in '94 of Little Women.
Two older versions, one in '33 with Katherine Hepburn, and the other in '49 with Elizabeth Taylor.
Both good but, meh. I like Winona Ryder in full color.
The story line remained the same, and they didn't go over the top with the CGI.

what. yeah, I said Little Women! Come at me bro.
I'm with ya there LDHS, I liked the original Total Recall, wife didn't, and the Remake, we both actually liked it. I also like the original and the SiFi Channel remake of Dune but then I've read the series 3 times now.
I missed the sci fi remake of Dune - actually kinda bummed about that as I loved the books and enjoyed the Sting version.

I thought the Blob was already remade in the 80s?
i was gonna Taxi Driver but i dunno that movie is perfect, no way anybody can remake it anybetter. how about wizard of oz? without the singing and more dark i think id be pretty cool