overwintering Moved pepper plant indoors for winter - HELP!!

I bought a few ghost pepper plants this year, and we had a very cold summer and my plants didn't fruit until way late.  I repotted my ghost pepper plant a few weeks ago... I lost abouty half of the leaves, some are still turning a little brown on the edges.
How do i know for sure the plant is alive, and what is the best way to care for my baby to survive our long winter?
Thanks in advance!!
Welcome from wisconsin also:) Do you plan on getting pods off the plant this winter, or just keeping it alive? If you are going to try to get pods you will need some higher power lights and a nice warm spot for the plants. If you are just trying to keep the plant alive, and bring it back out for next season check this link out
How big of a plant and pot are we talking? did you prune back any roots if its a bigger plant? And for it being alive still, as long as you kept it in a warm spot where it was getting some sun, it should still be alive I would think, just in some shock I would bet.
There is a whole sticky topic on  lights you should check out for sure, lots of good info on there for lights
Hope that helps some what, I'm not a expert like some on here, so I would search the sticky topics on over wintering and lights for some more advice. 
Welcome to The Hot Pepper!

Assuming you're not trying to get it to produce pods, I'd trim the plant. Be on the lookout for aphids. They always show up on my plants, and before you know it they'll take over. I use Safer Soap to control them. Good luck with it.
If you did not prune the plant prior to bringing it inside, leaf dropping is totally normal. Your plant gets less sun inside, so it cannot support the plant size that it was when it was outside. When bringing a plant inside that you want to get ripe pods from eventually, you must trim off branches that don't have pods on as well as unnecessary leaves. I take off about half my leaves and I do not have any leaves falling off the plant.
Got a bunch inside for winter. Not a true "overwinter" as they are flowering and podding.
Like previously mentioned----loads of posts on the subject.
Just decide if you are going to overwinter, or indoor grow, and put the term in the search box.
:welcome: BTW, from the high desert.
It had some pods on it when i moved it in, so i was hoping to get these pods to ripen.  I would be happy to just keep it alive and get a large healthy plant for next year.  I had the live plants shipped in last spring and I got totally ripped on the price at $50.00 for 4 plants shipped.  I really just want to get some of my money back by keeping one plant into next year :)