Most Anticipated Variety

Was excited about JPGS, as they had sprouted, only to vanish in a wind gust gone bad.  I will still be content with Red Bhuts, habaneros, and scotch bonnets, and a few stragglers.  The Pimentos I started are no doing well now and are loosing leaf, probably due to cold temps we got and watering.  The pimentos were a Burpee seed variety, started off strong, but just went blah.  not a high priority, but still frustrating.
For me, it's the Yaki Blue Fawn.
The seedling has only two pairs of real leaves but they're already beautifully purple with silvery reflections.
I can't wait to see the purple/blue pods.
Dinsdale said:
For me, it's the Yaki Blue Fawn.
The seedling has only two pairs of real leaves but they're already purple with silvery reflections.
I can't wait to see the purple/blue pods.
Those leaves are beautiful. I may have to grow that next year.

hogleg said:
These big brown apples  :dance:
Pic courtesy of Pr0digal_son
Brown rocoto?
Pubes have always seemed interesting but I'm jot very familiar with them.
there are so many new to me Wilds that i am extremely excited about
(Those i didn't accidentally kill or prevent from germinating anyway :mope: )
but in addition to those, I am excited to see how my overwintered Yaki Blue does.
Here she was last year in all her beauty

and a close-up

another I am super excited about this year is Major Pain x Yaki Blue from Mojo Peppers
I have not grown Major Pain and did not see the seeds available or I would be growing that too :D
here is a pic of Major Pain (clearly not my pic)

if anyone else is growing this one and would like to share pics that'd be fantastic  :!:
I am growing, and super excited about this one though  :dance:

Here is my sprout as of my last Glog update;

I'm also pretty excited about Pimenta Puma x Reaper
(seeds originally from FordsFieryFoods I think he still has some available)
here is my pics of one of the phenotypes i saved from a couple years ago which stock i planted from this year 



and here is the darkest foliage sprout of that cross this year
I've also got a peach pod light foliage pheno  couple year old overwinter  but that's a whole different project

Another i'm pretty excited about growing this year is Bloody Riot Orange 
I believe this is originally from Chili-Riot
I got my seeds for this from whitehotpeppers
i think they are still available
I can only hope that they will look and taste this awesome again this year




I'm probably forgetting so many...
they are all exciting and anticipated  :P
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
there are so many new to me Wilds that i am extremely excited about
(Those i didn't accidentally kill or prevent from germinating anyway :mope: )
but in addition to those, I am excited to see how my overwintered Yaki Blue does.
Here she was last year in all her beauty

and a close-up

another I am super excited about this year is Major Pain x Yaki Blue from Mojo Peppers
I have not grown Major Pain and did not see the seeds available or I would be growing that too :D
here is a pic of Major Pain (clearly not my pic)

if anyone else is growing this one and would like to share pics that'd be fantastic  :!:
I am growing, and super excited about this one though  :dance:

Here is my sprout as of my last Glog update;

I'm also pretty excited about Pimenta Puma x Reaper
(seeds originally from FordsFieryFoods I think he still has some available)
here is my pics of one of the phenotypes i saved from a couple years ago which stock i planted from this year 



and here is the darkest foliage sprout of that cross this year
I've also got a peach pod light foliage pheno  couple year old overwinter  but that's a whole different project

Another i'm pretty excited about growing this year is Bloody Riot Orange 
I believe this is originally from Chili-Riot
I got my seeds for this from whitehotpeppers
i think they are still available
I can only hope that they will look and taste this awesome again this year




I'm probably forgetting so many...
they are all exciting and anticipated  :P
I'll definitely have to add Yaki Blue to my list for next year.
I´m just psyched in general and, where i´m at now with just a bunch of tiny seedlings and some doing noticeably better than others, i find i´m mostly enthused about the more virile individual plants...
That being said, i´m pretty stoked by some of the new-to-me varieties (Mako Akokosrade, 7 Pot Primo, and--i shit you not--Guajillos.) I´m also enthused about some of my favorites from last year coming back, particularly some of the Bonnets, Yella Fataliis, JPGS, and of course Brainstrains in multiple flavors.
Mostly, though, I´m interested in some of these fascinating varieties i got from THP members and other hobbyist growers.  I got Zapotecs and Forbing Nagas from Gary aka Windchicken, some promising Bonnets from Lee aka Fauxton, and some huge Habs i got from a fella i met on a FB chile group.  I´m really thankful for the community of growers for this kind of stuff; without this amazing networking opportunity, i´d probably be growing Cayennes that i´d purchased as Reapers off of Amazon.... 