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Morouga Red

Is the Morouga Red a "Scorpion" variety or simply "just another Trinidad superhot pepper".

Peppermania sent me some seeds au gratis in 2008. They were labeled as Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Red...so heck, I thought that they were or are a scorpion variety. I didn't plant any for my 2009 season but decided that I would grow a couple in 2010. Are these insanely hot like the true Scorpion, 7 pot or Douglah?
There are 2 varieties: the trinidad scorpion marouga blend, and the marouga red. The scorpion one is supposed to be extremely hot and very similar to Brain Strain. The marouga red is more like a hab I believe. I will be growing both for the first time this year and can't wait to try them.

Neil from THSC did the morouga red last year. Nice variety. It gets the name from the region its from in Trinidad. [video=youtube;sKihjJi6Lnc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKihjJi6Lnc[/video]
He says he will be doing the TS morouga blend this weekend. Should be interesting. Its a superhot!
I have a red and a yellow from Scoville. Don't know much yet, but the random talk I've gathered (correct or incorrect as it may be) leads me to the conclusion it is a type of Scorpion.
boutros said:
I have a red and a yellow from Scoville. Don't know much yet, but the random talk I've gathered (correct or incorrect as it may be) leads me to the conclusion it is a type of Scorpion.

actually I think "marouga" could be applied to any trinidad type chile if it were grown in the marouga region, so technically I think that "marouga red" is a strain of "congo red" and Trinidad Scorpion Morouga blend is just a T.Scorpion strain that originated from morouga. and Im sure theres a 7pod morogua variant as well.
I spread around the TS Morouga Blend years ago. Insanely hot, wicked looking pimpled pods, great producer, big plants. I LOVE them.
Yes Jacob is right I have both growing at the moment, there is also a yellow version of the two types

jjs7741 said:
There are 2 varieties: the trinidad scorpion marouga blend, and the marouga red. The scorpion one is supposed to be extremely hot and very similar to Brain Strain. The marouga red is more like a hab I believe. I will be growing both for the first time this year and can't wait to try them.

The morouga is similar to a pepper spiciness as habanero ....


Chris got morouga blend instead is a superhot ....

all superhot that have the shape of morouga .... they named
Well Here is Neil's Recent Test of the TS Morouga Blend...


That pepper is a ripper!