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More hardening questions

Last weekend we finally had sunny days with highs in the mid 60's. I put all my chile plants in the greenhouse, but kept them there all day. I knew better, but still did it anyway. They get some morning sun through the window and thought they could handle it. The temp in the greenhouse stayed in the 80F range most of the time. At the end of day 2, I saw that about 15 out of 170 plants had gotten sunburn pretty bad. The leaves had white spots on them and some were almost entirely white. This only happened to the broadest leaved superhots. Of course, I moved them back under the flouros indoors. They are all still standing tall and so far no leaf drop. My questions are, when do I go back to try hardening them again? Should I clip the leaves that got alot of sunburn? Do they need a recovery time before going back outside? Thanks.
man oh man...I hate to get caught in between lights and hardening off...it really delays the season...if they leaves start dying, pull them off...

did the new growth at the apex get sunburned?...if so the plants won't be as tall...they will bush...which isn't a bad thing as long as they are healthy...
the last few years i have always gotten a little hardeing off sunburn.. i noticed that they didn't seem to mind still being outside.. just not nearly as much light. I have not seen additional sunburn after the original and i think the breeze helped them as well.. the whole capilary action of the wind in the leaves brought more water up to them from the roots.. i had to water a very small bit more but they recovered well and in no time.. no leave drop.. and the burnt leaves recovered back to green more than the few i kept inside the house after the burn. ... not sure if this matters but none of them were superhots.. this my first year growing them So it was annums frutescens and hab chinense.

PS. the choc habs are coming along famously.. thanks again.
Cbenny and AJ, thanks for the replies. I left the sunburned ones under the lights, for now, and the rest are back outside for just a couple of hours. The way our weather is in the Seattle area this time of year is sunny for a day and rainy/cloudy/cool for 4 or 5 days. Then maybe a day or two of sun followed by 4 or 5 days of rain/cool. Hardening is quite the challenge as this is the first time I've tried it. If I clip the sunburned leaves, do you think it is ok to put them back outside for a couple of hours? Also Cbenny, those are Trinidad Black Congo from pods I got from AJ last season.
Cbenny and AJ, thanks for the replies. I left the sunburned ones under the lights, for now, and the rest are back outside for just a couple of hours. The way our weather is in the Seattle area this time of year is sunny for a day and rainy/cloudy/cool for 4 or 5 days. Then maybe a day or two of sun followed by 4 or 5 days of rain/cool. Hardening is quite the challenge as this is the first time I've tried it. If I clip the sunburned leaves, do you think it is ok to put them back outside for a couple of hours? Also Cbenny, those are Trinidad Black Congo from pods I got from AJ last season.

Thanks for the clarification... i wasn't sure if they were the same pepper... i had 2 or 3 folks tell me yay.. and nay.. My first attempt to get them was from Gerald's site in the UK... but alas he was sold out.. then i had another grower tell me they were the same after your gracious delivery. ( i really loved the flakes that came with.. om nom nom nom..)