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powder-flake Mixing Peppers for Powder

Seems the various strains are ripening very sporadically not enough of any one type to dry a full batch. Anyone ever try to mix and match ie doughlahs/chocolates/devil tongues/orange Habs and bonda's to make a high breed powder? Can't think of anything else to do!
There's no reason that you couldn't mix em up. I've had a few powders that were mixed that were the bomb!
If you are really interested in keeping them separate you could dry the ones you have ready and save 'em until you have enough to make the powder from each type.
Keep them separate to add the unique taste of each pepper to different meals, or mix and match with each shaker, but don't blend. Just my opinion. You have more flexibility this way.
i have a batch of douglah, choc scor, brown, brain, smoked brain, bhut, bhut carbon, scorp, fatalii, datil, naga, italian carmen, and its TASTY! about to add choc hab X red hab, my supposed moruga, my mystery pods,
I am the king of mixing all my peppers into a sweet batch of powder. I have had many people say they love it. I bet you will too! Annuums and chinese make a great blend


Nice! I agree blends are great but also keep some separate in shakers. There's always a need for a certain pepper.
actually do just that here. 7 yr contract on building mushroom facilities and have been doing just such for 8 months.If you want to try a sample and see let me know.The idea works great!
Thinking id have to keep some Habs separate seeing I love that good ol Hab flavor. Why do some say that example Bondas make better powder than other, guessing the same reason of a Hab type distinct flavor? The devil tongue is Alledgedly also a wicked powder by its lonesome ?
I love blends, I really like to mix C Chinenese, with C Baccatum, or C Frutesence very yummy!!

But I wholeheartedly agree, that you will want some separate too!

I must say that I will have to stray from my instinct and try a ensemble. Kind of a waste seeing a few are first timers but have a believe that the MAMA load is still to come from the kids. until then, mix match enjoy wish I could figure out how to post pics from phone etc. all good!
as long as you don't have (like 100) varieties, dry them separate. You can always mix them back together later after their powdered. Save some plastic deli tubs or other jars for the dried chiles.
not that
I am the king of mixing all my peppers into a sweet batch of powder. I have had many people say they love it. I bet you will too! Annuums and chinese make a great blend



not saying it because im out of it already :mope: .. but hands down so far ive loved mixed blend of peppers... ive tried wayrights yummy yellow and they are the bomb :onfire: ... not to say shane;s smoked manzano isnt good.. it is!!! :drooling: i just dried some peppers annuums and chinense... will see how it does...
In the late summer/fall when I have big harvests I seperate all my pods, but early in the season I find it easier to make mixed powders with whatever I have to work with.
Some combination work excellent together and I'd encourage people to try mixes but also know what they taste like on their own. I usually have certain mixes I use a lot of, like my Mexican blend, mild paprikas, my hot sausage blend, and a citrusy blend