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organic Miracle Gro Organic Choice really that bad?

Hey guys, first post here! I am a novice grower of peppers, my first time growing actually! For now, this is my temporary setup, with a cheap growing light and a fluorescent desk light. I will get a 400w MH system and a grow tent sometime later. There are 4 Trinidad Scorpions growing, and one Bhut Jolokia. They are a little under 3 weeks old. Is this a bit small for 3 weeks of growth?


Now, for my question. I have used Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix for these plants, but I have just read around these forums that the soil is not that good. Is it really that bad?
I have used it for years with out any promblems, but I am slowly moving over to a soiless mixture for my next grow.

So I didnt have any complaints about it, but like i said now i am using a soiless mix that runs about 10 bucks for 1.5 cu ft.
As for the MG soil,I have never used it but if others on here do not like it,keep that in mind.I mix my own soil and have great luck with that(there is a sticky on here about soil).I went away from peat moss this year and went with coco coir as my medium with good results.Your MG soil should be fine but you may wany to give your babies some foliar feedings here and there.I use liquid seaweed and thalassa tonic.But the options out there are endless.Good luck :dance:
I have use the miracle grow soil and never noticed a problem, I find that most people tend to over fertilize, I usually don't add any additional ferts for the first couple of weeks and when I do fertilize I usually start at abou 1/4 of the fertilizer manufacturers recommended dosage and go up from there (ie. if it says add a teaspoon per gallon of water I add 1/4 teaspoon.). you can always fertilize more but you can burn the root system of young plants by over fertilizing so be careful. I find that organic ferts, fish emulsion and blood meal...etc are much more gentle with younger plants (my experience anyhow :) everyone does things differently and no one is wrong its more like what works best for you. Upping the light outupt will have a significant effect too...be careful for the heat from the MH...I usually keep the bulb 30" from my plant tops...and I always have a gentle fan moving air.

Best of Luck!

As for the MG soil,I have never used it but if others on here do not like it,keep that in mind.I mix my own soil and have great luck with that(there is a sticky on here about soil).I went away from peat moss this year and went with coco coir as my medium with good results.Your MG soil should be fine but you may wany to give your babies some foliar feedings here and there.I use liquid seaweed and thalassa tonic.But the options out there are endless.Good luck :dance:

I've used it as a potting mix, not necessarily as a seed starter, but I have had to add additional perlite to aide in drainage and oxygen supply...

plants wanna grow, but I think that soil makes it easy to saturate... but thats great for other growers who don't need to watch water/ moisture like we do... ya know mater growers and such, I agree more pearalite, and mix er up...
1...Hey guys, first post here!
2...For now, this is my temporary setup, with a cheap growing light and a fluorescent desk light. I will get a 400w MH system and a grow tent sometime later.
3...I have used Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix for these plants, but I have just read around these forums that the soil is not that good. Is it really that bad?
#l...welcome and congrats on some good lookin early starts! With that comes the responsibility of long term growin. Go for it dude!
#2...While waiting for a better set up, I'd move the plants closer to the light source to keep the early growth from getting too leggy. Just don't burn them!
#3...Its a moot point now, so go with what got you going. I personally don't think the starter growing medium is very important, as long as it isn't too coarse in texture.

So you're good to go for now, maybe consider potting up using ProMix BX or coco coir for the next stage. Its early, so you have plenty of time to test stuff, but don't wait too long to get more light on there. Again, nice start and good luck.... :cool:
#l...welcome and congrats on some good lookin early starts! With that comes the responsibility of long term growin. Go for it dude!
#2...While waiting for a better set up, I'd move the plants closer to the light source to keep the early growth from getting too leggy. Just don't burn them!
#3...Its a moot point now, so go with what got you going. I personally don't think the starter growing medium is very important, as long as it isn't too coarse in texture.

So you're good to go for now, maybe consider potting up using ProMix BX or coco coir for the next stage. Its early, so you have plenty of time to test stuff, but don't wait too long to get more light on there. Again, nice start and good luck.... :cool:

Thanks! All the info I need to know!
Here's some more images


A bit under 2 weeks old, when they were under my 150W HPS I had to sell.


Taken just now, a week later from the last photo.
Regardless of how you use it, MG makes no product that is organic. They add their proprietary blend of mystery chemical in every product they make, even the stuff labled organic. Plants will grow in the stuff if used correctly, but who would want to? :)