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fertilizer Mineral Deposits on Leaves after Switching Fertilizer to GH

Notice the small white crystal-like dots. On the right is an area I rubbed about a week ago and it left some craters. I'm using GH MaxiGrow. I noticed the Calcium concentration is fairly high. I'm wondering if anyone has run into this "issue" before or someone might be able to enlighten me on what's causing it. Plants look healthy otherwise with no sign of over-fertilization I'm watering w/ 300ppm every 2nd to 3rd time so I'm certain it's not an over-fertilization issue.

I switched my basil over to this fert. also and it is showing some dots here and there.

The underside is pretty much the same. Under a loupe I can almost certainly say they are crystals.

I'm not too worried about it in terms of harming the plant but was wondering what may be happening.

Also for things like basil I don't want to be consuming something harmful, but I guess if anything it's calcium?