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Megamoo's Christmas Sauce Selection

Made these for xmas presents. First time using bottles, the heat shrink tops and making my own labels.


Just finished wrapping them and remembered I hadn't taken a picture. These three had imperfections that I'm keeping for myself. :D
Don't look shiny and professional cos it was done on a home printer but its a limited edition of only ten bottles each.
As long as it tastes good and gives a good kick the bottle image is secondary regardless especially when given away.

Some of the best sauces and relishes I have ever tasted from my grandparents and relatives and mum had a white sticker with permanent marker or Biro stating what it was with a piece of wax proof paper under the lid.

Ah those were the days climbing up into the hallway cupboard to get a preserve down for my parents fruit, vegetables , tomatoes chutney, sauces, jams , jellys you name it .....

Anyway I digress .... nice work mega!!
They are half as hot as I'd like but they were for non chilliheads.
I did a double batch of the BBQ one but I don't think all the spices should have been scaled up that way. It came out a bit fuity, but really good.
The Jalapeno one was very basic and was almost too vinegary.
The pineapple mango one is very good.
Overall they were not hot enough, but still tasty.

Got the bottles from a company called plasdene that makes bottles. Got the shrink wraps from Salsalady.