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powder-flake Medicinal uses for pepper powders..??

Hello all you Pepperheads, I was wondering what any of you know of the medicinal uses pepper powders have. First I'll list possibility's : ( POSSIBLY CAN BE A ) heart stimulant , regulate blood flow , remedy for painfull joints , stimulates circulation , has topical applications , positive effect on blood cholesterol levels , high in calcium/vitamin C/vitamin B Complexes , the Brain releases Endorphins .These are some of the reported USES FOR .What I'm asking for are YOUR expeiriences and methods of ingestion .:):)cRAYZy
Hmmm... chiles are good for ya? :shocked: here I thought all the good things in life are bad for ya... *looks at a bottle of Blue Label and wonders*
I use either a powder made into a paste or a fresh cayenne to rub it on my finger joints to relieve arthritis pain...just don't leave it on too long...wipe it on and wipe it off...fresh cayenne you can leave on...
Thank you all for your replys...chilliman64 and Alabama Jack and the lot of you there's more info out there than I realized!! ty also TXclosetgrower too!!
cRAYZy said:
Thank you all for your replys...chilliman64 and Alabama Jack and the lot of you there's more info out there than I realized!! ty also TXclosetgrower too!!
What about me? :(
Diabolus beat me to it... :lol:

Bhut Powder
cRAYZy said:
What I'm asking for are YOUR expeiriences and methods of ingestion .:):)cRAYZy

well I use chiles in different forms be it hot sauce, powder, dried pods. I use them in all my meals, some go better with certain types of meals. so thats how I consume chiles ;)
Fire Angel said:
So if I get hemorrhoids I should just rub some Dorset Naga powder on my bunghole? :onfire:

sorry... the Gin and tonic is talkin :)

HOLY MOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked: you do that and you'd be HURTIN :onfire: The true meaning to the term FLAMING A**HOLE!!!!!!! LMAO
I work with a guy who sampled some Mad Dog 357 collectors edition (600K scoville). Reckons he unintentionally touched his bunghole when wiping, and would highly suggest noone else ever tries it.

Not sure why he told all his workmates about this, thing is, he's told us lots of other lol'able stories that top this.
I've used it medicinally. I have chronic pain ( neck vertebrae, neuropathy in feet ), and it's best eaten for this. Curiously, Capsicum chinense seems quite effective, while C. annuum and frutescens are only partially effective. The latter two are also more likely to irritate internally, and afflict me worse. To be effective, a dosage needs to be enough to bring about a bit of sweat.
My first -- and, so far, only -- superhot is "ghost pepper" -- and i can take the heat in small, cautiously administered doses. The effects are wondrous !! On a bad ( just can't function ) day, you can see the difference from the way i walk or turn my head.
I found that habaneros, at a 4-5X dosage work better -- perhaps because ghost/bhut types are not pure chinenses ? (The quality of produce-counter habs went to hell years ago -- flavor, color and analgesic benefits plummeted. Quality vs quantity on the mass market -- it gives us scentless roses and pale, tasteless lettuce.
Obviously, i'm growing my own next year.

There's no end to what medical science might do, given sufficient research, but i do have one prediction that might dissappoint the pharmaceutical establishment : i seriously doubt that any nasal spray/eyedrops/suppositories will offer much repeat business....
mikeg said:
There's no end to what medical science might do, given sufficient research, but i do have one prediction that might dissappoint the pharmaceutical establishment : i seriously doubt that any nasal spray/eyedrops/suppositories will offer much repeat business....
     There's a capsaicin nasal spray on the market that works wonders on sinus congestion and allergies. It's expensive but I LOVE that stuff. 
Good job on ressurecting this thread ;)
Habanero's saved my sanity recently when I had an abscessed tooth. Very painful and couldn't get to dentist for 3 days. Cut a fresh piece off and put it at the base of the tooth, right on the gum. The burn felt sooooooo good compared to the throbbing of the tooth. It pretty much numbed the tooth for at least an hour or so. Downside was I had to keep doing it but it was well worth it.
I make my own saline, capsaicin nasal spray/wash that really helps clear the sinus congestion. I use my very finely ground super hot pepper powder for this,  you have to work out just how much salt (sea salt) and pepper powder you can use without having your nose burnt off . A tiny bit of powder and salt goes a long way, and even then it takes some time to get use to it first few uses it usually burns some, if you get to much hot pepper powder you will know it, also I make it fresh each time.
I have heard of people snorting the powder straight, but I would not recommend this unless you want to fry your sinus and brain.
I use my powder on just about everything and find that i have fewer if any colds while using it, I also use a lot of fresh super hots in most of my food although I just use small amounts.