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Mae Wae Wu

I got some seeds and I cannot find anything about them. Has anyone heard of Mae Wae Wu Hot peppers? Possible the bag reads Mal Wal Wu or something of the sort, cannot find anything like that either.
chemwolf said:
I got some seeds and I cannot find anything about them. Has anyone heard of Mae Wae Wu Hot peppers? Possible the bag reads Mal Wal Wu or something of the sort, cannot find anything like that either.
If I were a bettin' man I'd say they were Chinese.
No really.
chemwolf said:
I got some seeds and I cannot find anything about them. Has anyone heard of Mae Wae Wu Hot peppers? Possible the bag reads Mal Wal Wu or something of the sort, cannot find anything like that either.
I grow these nearly every year... they're a Korean Gochu pepper called Wae Mae Wo. They're a Cayenne variant that has medium flesh and fairly thick skin for an Annuum, and are probably best dried and ground for powder. They have moderate heat and a sweet, earthy aroma like good Paprika, and the Koreans use them in virtually everything they cook. Hope this helps...
stickman said:
I grow these nearly every year... they're a Korean Gochu pepper called Wae Mae Wo. They're a Cayenne variant that has medium flesh and fairly thick skin for an Annuum, and are probably best dried and ground for powder. They have moderate heat and a sweet, earthy aroma like good Paprika, and the Koreans use them in virtually everything they cook. Hope this helps...
Surely used by Korean's but the name is of Chinese origin...hence Chinese.
Then again...
What chile is really of Chinese origin?
Answer: NONE
Any idea about an english translation of the name or possible other names for the same variety?
I have about 20 + pepper varieties that are from a source in S.Korea.
The person I got them from translated some names.
I'm wondering if I have that variety already under a different name or the translation is that variety...
I have:
Tae-Yang Gochu
i like everything
the giant
Mat Jang
meokogo Ddo
Cheon Wu
Gam Mi
Dwari Put
Long Da Ri
Korean Winner
O Chu Put
Oe Mat Put
Sang Cho
Ttaeng cho
Um Ji Put
Wae mae wo
put gochu
qaury gochu
hong gochu
Several unknows - Tepin like purple plant or unknown Annuum etc.
Just wondering if some of what I have might be the same thing,under a different name.
Sorry Mike, I can't help you with any translations but would be interested in seeing pics if/when you plant them. Will you start them this year? I've been looking for Hong Gochu seeds before this. Would you be interested in working out a trade by pm?
I have several that sprouted,some I need to re start seeds.
All varieties are on my grow list from my S.Korean source.
All were pretty much coated seeds so I assume they were from commercial suppliers.
Too early to see what stuff I get pods/seeds from...
Would be interested in a trade once I get a few isolated pods going on.
I've been isolating plants indoors for seeds before they go outside.
Right now I have mostly Frutescens podding up right now.
A few Baccatums and Annuums that were labeled by vendors as Frutescens...
I'm doing an India and S.Korea grow next.
Trying to freshen up my older seeds this year.
smokemaster said:
I have several that sprouted,some I need to re start seeds.
All varieties are on my grow list from my S.Korean source.
All were pretty much coated seeds so I assume they were from commercial suppliers.
Too early to see what stuff I get pods/seeds from...
Would be interested in a trade once I get a few isolated pods going on.
I've been isolating plants indoors for seeds before they go outside.
Right now I have mostly Frutescens podding up right now.
A few Baccatums and Annuums that were labeled by vendors as Frutescens...
I'm doing an India and S.Korea grow next.
Trying to freshen up my older seeds this year.
Very cool! Have you started a glog yet? I'll definitely keep an eye out for it and follow along if so. Cheers!
I have Essential Tremors from Chemo which might or might not go away.
I can't write and it takes a lot of edits to post.
So I can't take pics or do a glog right now.
A friend is sending me Dragon so things might change once I either get over the nerve stuff (my hands aren't numb anymore so there might be just time to get over Chemo side effects...).
I have a tripod but gotta get a camera that is hands free to use for clear pics.
All it takes is to pay off Co Pays for health care,then I can buy more toys. LOL
Depends on what sprouts,Maybe we could work something out with sending you a plant start.
I recently gave away my extra Frutescens.Easily gave away a couple hundred plants.
I NEVER toss out a perfectly good plant.
I find homes for them.
With flat rate stuff I can send several starts for cheaper than before.
Once I see what is going on you might want a flat rate full of a couple varieties sent your way.
I mail plants all the time.
We'll see,I have to have 1 healthy budding plant before I send off my extras.
I have no winter here,I grow year round.
I start a lot of seeds and only keep 1 plant for each variety.
Remind me in a few weeks,I'll let you know what I have the most of in pots from 2in. to 4 1/2 in. pots.
By the way I was born in Mas.
Northhampton,have relatives in Blackstone.
As a kid we spent summers in Blackstone.
The Border has a reservoir behind the house.Fished there and walked into Rhode Island...
The good old days,going cross country every other year or so in the winnabago.
smokemaster said:
I have Essential Tremors from Chemo which might or might not go away.
I can't write and it takes a lot of edits to post.
So I can't take pics or do a glog right now.
A friend is sending me Dragon so things might change once I either get over the nerve stuff (my hands aren't numb anymore so there might be just time to get over Chemo side effects...).
I have a tripod but gotta get a camera that is hands free to use for clear pics.
All it takes is to pay off Co Pays for health care,then I can buy more toys. LOL
Depends on what sprouts,Maybe we could work something out with sending you a plant start.
I recently gave away my extra Frutescens.Easily gave away a couple hundred plants.
I NEVER toss out a perfectly good plant.
I find homes for them.
With flat rate stuff I can send several starts for cheaper than before.
Once I see what is going on you might want a flat rate full of a couple varieties sent your way.
I mail plants all the time.
We'll see,I have to have 1 healthy budding plant before I send off my extras.
I have no winter here,I grow year round.
I start a lot of seeds and only keep 1 plant for each variety.
Remind me in a few weeks,I'll let you know what I have the most of in pots from 2in. to 4 1/2 in. pots.
By the way I was born in Mas.
Northhampton,have relatives in Blackstone.
As a kid we spent summers in Blackstone.
The Border has a reservoir behind the house.Fished there and walked into Rhode Island...
The good old days,going cross country every other year or so in the winnabago.
Ouch... sorry for your health problems. :(  I'll stay in touch and hope things get better for you real soon. Funny... I live just upriver from Northampton, and have home health clients there most days. Take care bro' :pray:
I'm on the green side of the grass.
I'll deal with whatever I have to to stay that way...
Dragon came yesterday.
A new toy to check out.
Life happens,sometimes sucks but most times doesn't.
PM me if you might want some starts , my extras.
Could save you some work starting stuff and some of the stuff I have isn't around anymore.
As pods get ripe,I'll have more plants to give a new home.
Several could be sent safely in a large flat rate box.
If things work out,I'm going to try and sort out a few starts Sat.
So I'll somewhat know what I have.
I do know I have too many Bombero plants.
2 versions,same pods but 1 is upturned,the other is pendant.
Taste like a Jalapeno +/-. from Mexico.
Small tastey pods.2inches average long.
Great producer too.
pm me.