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Lots of birthdays today...lol

must have been a bunch of blizzards the end of March... ;)
it has to be a glitch in the system, I saw this yesterday when I logged in to post a reply, then i was farting around, i can't remember everything i did but when i went back to the main board i believe only 2 or 3 appeared.

gremlins, forum gremlins............knew we had them only a matter of time before they showed their faces!
More specifically the default IMO. As in click the age and not change it to your age.

But ... Happy Birthday to those whose really do have a birthday today.
ok, I also noticed most of them are banned and have 0 posts(afternbeing banned all your posts deleted?) so I think they might had been bots?eh I don't know confusing me right now trying to think what that was from
today is my daughters birthday, she turns 11, yep born jan 1 2000, on dec 31 1999, i was suppose to be on y2k call in case of any type of meltdown, then i got the call at work at 4:00pm that my wife need to be induced due to extremely high blood pressure and the threat of her and the babies' well being. had to shut the cell phone off all evening(cells weren't allowed in the hosptial) and at the same time looking around at all the medical equipment that had computer hardware............yikes. nothing eventful happened with the medical hardware but samantha was born at 12:30pm new years day. we spent the night screaming in the new year and not with drink and cheer but constant labour pains.

the day before we had unusual warm weather, in the 60's and no snow, during the night a storm blew in and temperatures dropped to 0. here's a glitch, when i left the hospital, i had to help parking security free the guard gate as it had frozen shut and wouldn't lift, no one could leave the parking lot until we dismantled the arm, damn was it cold. i went home and slept.