storage Looks like October in my refrigerator =)

This happens every year about this time, and this is just the beginning.  The two jars on the left I jarred last night, the next two I did about a week ago, and the other four are "working jars" (ones that are ready and rapidly vanishing).
I've got peppers drying here and there all around the house, I plan on freezing a bunch too.  Still have tons ready to pick and lots of young ones I hope will ripen up before the cold sets in.  
I love this time of year! 
That's a plate of drying Tabasco peppers in foreground, I'm thinking these will make a good powder.
it's a beautiful dilemma to have~  :)
A yummy autumn bounty.
Tabasco powder? Never thought about that, i love the flavor profile in tabasco sauce. I may just have to throw a plant into a big pot just to harvest for powder ... hmmm.
Peppers, vinegar, water, salt, onions, garlic and sometimes a bay leaf and a smidgen of various spices.  No carrots, they take up pepper space!
I think the vinegar to water ratio is the key to a good refrigerator pickle, I start out 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water but taste and adjust as they cure.
How safe is this? I would love to try but I was under the impression you had to at least hot water bath the jars. Can you really just pop 'em into a vingegar solution and put them in the fridge?
illWill said:
How safe is this? I would love to try but I was under the impression you had to at least hot water bath the jars. Can you really just pop 'em into a vingegar solution and put them in the fridge?
These are a quick refrigerator pickle style, they aren't shelf stable and have to be kept refrigerated.  They will last about 6 weeks before they start to lose their texture, that is if I don't eat them all before then.