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indoor Looking for help with Indoor Growing in the UK.

Hi guys.

I'm a complete novice when it comes to anything green fingered, but as I have a fasination with very hot chillies, I was wondering whats the best chilli (hottest?) I could grow indoors in the UK?

Any tips on equpiment and so on would be a bonus.
I do have a conservatory that is quite warm in the summer months, if this would help.

Thanks. :)
Hi guys.

I'm a complete novice when it comes to anything green fingered, but as I have a fasination with very hot chillies, I was wondering whats the best chilli (hottest?) I could grow indoors in the UK?

Any tips on equpiment and so on would be a bonus.
I do have a conservatory that is quite warm in the summer months, if this would help.

Thanks. :)

:welcome: ....from Chicago

One variety that doesn't take up alot of room, is easy to grow, and packs a punch from a small package is either the Zimbawie or the Ethiopian Bird Peppers. You can pick them off the plant and eat them like candy! The Aji Limon is another good size plant that doesn't get to outrageous in size, and keeps producing all year. I'm sure you'll get many other suggestions here. There are some people that are balcony growers and are limited with space to grow. They probably have better ideas...

I dont. Know how much space you have but I recommend growing the butchT or brainstrain as they are the absolute hottest!!! The size you want the plant to be mostly depends on how its being taken care of and what its planted in. I recommend getting a seedling heat mat to germinate with!
Where inside are you planning to grow? What size planter/pot are you wanting to use?
Are you just going to grow untill spring and them move it outdoors or exclusively indoors?
Hi there.

Size is not a problem, I was more worried about local temperature and equipment needed.
a butch or naga plant would be my perfect option, but I;m not sure about what climates they need to grow.

My wife is Thai, so, as you can imagine we go through a lot of Chillies and love the heat in our food, so having a plant, or many plants would be great.