chinense Looking for Carolina Reaper Yellow seeds

Did you get your seeds sorted yet, JUR-Z?  The Yellow Primos are great, so the Yellow Reapers will be great, too.
As to the side discussion.  I remember when the Red Savina happened and its origin is pretty much undisputed.  If you've ever grown it alongside a traditional Red Habanero, you know that they are virtually the same plant but do have several differences outside the heat alone.  Savinas have thicker walls and a slightly different flavor.  They look a tad different and grow a tad different, but their source material remains undeniable.  I've grown Reapers in isolation at the same time I was growing Primos in isolation and feel the same way about them that I do about Habs/Savinas.  The Reaper and Primo are absolutely different chiles, but I personally believe it is for the same reasons the Red Savina and Red Habanero are different chiles.
Perhaps Ed simply planted Primos and refined them or perhaps he redid the original cross and got a slightly hotter version, it doesn't matter.  He did "technically" produce something new and market it like a boss.  My only issue with the whole mess is how outright dishonest he was and remains about the whole thing.
:liar:  It just showed up in my field one day!
:shh:  Yo Ed, if it already exists you couldn't lay exclusive legal claim...
:liar:  Oh!  Scratch that, everybody; I actually did it on purpose by tomato and an albino warthog!
:shh:  Ed, warthogs are animals...
:liar:  I meant to say it was a..uh...Peruvian Habanero and  (Who cares, these people are all retards...)
:shocked:  Good God someone get that mic away from him!