seeds Lights for seedlings

Hope Monday is going great for everyone! Quick question. Last Monday I started germinating with a dome. Many seeds have sprouted and the remainder are showing signs of pushing through. Do I get rid of the Dome? Also, I got a couple 4 foot T5 light fixtures for free. How low do I put the lights over the seedlings to prevent leggyness? First time grower here :)

Thanks in advance for the advice,

Take the humidity dome off. I actually use two trays; one with dome for sprouting, and one without a dome that I move the plugs into once the seeds sprout.
I would just keep an eye on them. If they start to stretch, move the light closer.
I have positioned T5HO lamps less than two inches from older (with three or more sets of leaves) seedlings with no ill effect.
alkhall said:
Take the humidity dome off. I actually use two trays; one with dome for sprouting, and one without a dome that I move the plugs into once the seeds sprout.
I would just keep an eye on them. If they start to stretch, move the light closer.
I have positioned T5HO lamps less than two inches from older (with three or more sets of leaves) seedlings with no ill effect.
I have a 72 one piece cell tray. Next year I will use a bunch of 6 cell trays so I can move different ones out. I learned something already. Cool! Ill take the dome off but leave heat mat on until theyre all out?
Yeah maybe keep the ones that haven't sprouted wet.

Let the other ones dry out a little b4 watering.

What are you using for fertilizer?
I cut little pieces of plastic to cover individual cells on my trays until they pop too, Idk how well this picture illustrates my situation lol.

Walchit said:
Yeah maybe keep the ones that haven't sprouted wet.

Let the other ones dry out a little b4 watering.

What are you using for fertilizer?
No fertilizer yet bc they dont have any true leaves. Its only been 8 days since I planted.
My problem was that my Jalapeños started germinating 4 days after planting. The dome is a higher one. I put a single light above it that came with the kit. However, it wasnt enough light and not low enough. Now I have leggy seedlings. I now have a T5 hovering a couple inches above. Im considering moveing the Jalapeños out into another container and burying the stems a bit. Moral of the story is the Jalapeños sprouted ahead of everything else.
Shawn Reed said:
My problem was that my Jalapeños started germinating 4 days after planting. The dome is a higher one. I put a single light above it that came with the kit. However, it wasnt enough light and not low enough. Now I have leggy seedlings. I now have a T5 hovering a couple inches above. Im considering moveing the Jalapeños out into another container and burying the stems a bit. Moral of the story is the Jalapeños sprouted ahead of everything else.
Not unusual at all. You definitely want the dome off as soon as you see germination. You run the risk of damping-off which is way worse than cells that are slow to pop.  I would ditch the dome altogether and switch to plastic wrap. IMO they keep moisture in the cells a little better than the high domes and as mentioned above you can cut individual squares for cells that haven't germinated yet.
NorCaliente916 said:
Not unusual at all. You definitely want the dome off as soon as you see germination. You run the risk of damping-off which is way worse than cells that are slow to pop.  I would ditch the dome altogether and switch to plastic wrap. IMO they keep moisture in the cells a little better than the high domes and as mentioned above you can cut individual squares for cells that haven't germinated yet.
Thanks so much for the great advice from everyone! You guys are awesome! I removed the dome and am letting the soil from the germinated plants dry out a little. The seedlings from the cells that werent germinating, are covered with plastic. Im letting the already germinated seedlings soil dry out a little bit. They seem to be doing good!
I just read this post this morning and was in the same boat. Thanks for the info. Domes off, lights on. All my tomatoes have sprouted, on hot pepper and on "other"??

Will make sure they do not dry out.

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