health Leaf drop on Carolina Reapers with brown spots and yellowing

Hi friends,
Just a question and a picture.  I grew these Reapers from seed this year and they're starting to bloom and look otherwise healthy.  Recently, however, the lower leaves have been browning in spots and around the edges, prior to turning yellow and dropping.  I've fed them small amounts of an Osmocote fertilizer, fish emulsion on occasion, and small amounts of bone meal, blood meal, and coffee grounds.  You guys have any ideas?  It's been pretty darn hot here lately in the Carolinas.
Thanks in advance,
     Are the rest of the plants' leaves turning yellow, or just those on the bottom? A pic of the whole plant would help. How much water are they getting? It kind of looks like they've been overwatered and the brown spots might just be a coincidence. Are there spots all over the plants, including new growth? Maybe take a closeup pic of some of the spots, that would help identify it.
Looks you might be over fertilizing . How often do you feed it?
What is the temperature looking like in your area?
How often do you water?
Thanks for the replies.  Temperatures have been in the mid to upper 90's F, and we've had some frequent heavy rains.  My normal watering is about every other day in the drier weeks.  I've only given these osmocote capsules once, perhaps 7 or 8 granules per plant, and my use of fish emulsion in the water is about once a month.  Here are the whole plants.  I wil have to take a better close-up later. Thanks!
prune the affected leaf, turn it over and look on the underside around the margins of the dead area with a magnifying glass.......I am thinking pest of some kind...I use a 10X - 20X jewelers loop 
I have just noticed that my wife's sweet potato plants have a similar yellowing with brown around the edges and some spots.  All of these plants get pretty direct morning sun followed by broken sunlight and shade in the hotter parts of the afternoon.  Perhaps they need even more shade?
It could very well be a temperature/heat problem. Move the plants to a better shaded area and they should be fine, if not better.