misc Ladybugs and Neem

Gotta question.  I have a bit of an aphid infestation that I need to fix.  I ordered up some ladybugs but they are going to take a few days.  I will spray Neem until their arrival.  My question is are Ladybugs affected by Neem?
Neem is NON-TOXIC to honeybees and many other beneficial insects, including ladybugs. However, ladybug larvae may not mature into adulthood after contacting this product. Spot treat problem areas to minimize harm to non-target insects.
This is my understanding Ben.,good luck!
I would use Neem or liquid lady bug or whatever you have available until your ladybugs arrive.Then simply spray your plants with water and dish soap to wash off any residue.Then unleash the good guys.Good luck.I've also found that lace wings work better for me than ladybugs.
I personally wouldn't use both Neem and ladybugs. Yes, Neem only affects the things that suck on the plant juices. (other than spraying directly on them - the oil WILL kill ladybugs and larva when sprayed directly) But what about the bugs that ate the Neem, that get ingested by the ladybugs and their offspring?
Something to think about.
The poor ladybugs, when they arrive at my house, they do not know this but they are on a kamikaze mission.  I set up some netting around my plants and I let those bugs loose.  My hopes are that they eat every last aphid and spider mite that is currently feasting on my plants.  Once the aphids and mites are gone, the ladybugs do not have more to eat.  I do nothing to keep them alive.  They eventually meet their end belly up on the cement floor, hopefully within the netting.  Because of this, I cannot concern myself with what happens to their larva.  I personally hope they do not produce larva. 
Lacewings are much better for what you are doing. Ladybugs can't hardly be bothered with the mites, but the lacewing larvae will lay waste to them. They have the added benefit of sticking around, generation after generation. You don't even need to fence them in.
you may want something better
check this out:  Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae 