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organic Kellogs Patio Plus organic soil

After my baby Bhuts/Choc. Habs get their true leaves I want to separate and plant individually. O.k. I get that part, my question is: Will all the stuff in this "organic mix" (chicken manure, bat guano, worm castings, etc.) be too strong for these babies when I decide to transplant from the generic pottting soil I started them in? I don't want to burn them. Should I keep using the generic potting soil til they get bigger? When should I start to give them fert and what would be best? Mahalos
What's in the generic potting soil? True leaves might be to early for KPP, not because it would burn them but the watering holding properties might not be great for baby plants. I prefer a finer, more uniform mix for young ones. If your other mix is peat or cooc based it might be better until they get a big root system going.
Yeah I agree, hold off from potting up until they are well established, also generic potting mixes generally don't have a great source of NPK so you might want to feed your babies a weak solution of liquid ferts once a fortnight.