powder-flake Joyner's Hot Pepper Powders Review Series 2 - Yellow Bhut Jolokia

This thread will house the 2nd series of reviews for Joyner's Hot Pepper Powders.  Here is a picture of the variety that was sent to me:

Carolina Reaper Pod Test:
I gotta say, from the hype of this pepper, I was expecting it to be insanely hot.  It didn't quite deliver that type of heat, but it was still an upper echelon type burn.  This had a different effect on me in that it caused my throat to close up during the first few minutes whenever I tried to talk.  The flavor was not nearly as good as I would have hoped for.  It started off slightly sweet, but a big floral hit took over followed by a fair amount of bitterness.
My rating:
Heat: 9
Flavor: 6
7 Pot Burgundy:
All I can say on this one is WOW!  Fantastic flavor and good heat.  This is now my favorite tasting super hot.  If the heat was just a bit higher I could call it my favorite for heat/flavor combination.  Nevertheless, this was a joy to review.

My Rating:
Heat: 7
Flavor: 10
How was your stomach after the Reaper? Both Megahot and I had serious stomach issues after eating a Reaper, Jon worse than me initially, but I think it took about 7-10 days for my stomach to recover. 
Great reviews. Not only do you have a cast iron stomach, but you are so matter of fact about the insane heat. 
DevilsEyes said:
Awesome!! Keep em comin'
PepperLover said:
great reviews as always...
keep them coming Brian
Thank you Judy!
Nigel said:
How was your stomach after the Reaper? Both Megahot and I had serious stomach issues after eating a Reaper, Jon worse than me initially, but I think it took about 7-10 days for my stomach to recover. 
Great reviews. Not only do you have a cast iron stomach, but you are so matter of fact about the insane heat. 
My stomach wasn't terrible.  I was up 3 times with minor stomach burn through the night, but I was able to quickly stop it with a glass of milk.
Thanks for the compliments Nigel!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Another great review. The powder from this is amazing! Reminds me of the Mystery Wine but with more heat and I 100% agree on the 10 for taste. 7 pot burgundy is money!!
Indeed it is Chris!
Nigel said:
How was your stomach after the Reaper? Both Megahot and I had serious stomach issues after eating a Reaper, Jon worse than me initially, but I think it took about 7-10 days for my stomach to recover. 
Great reviews. Not only do you have a cast iron stomach, but you are so matter of fact about the insane heat. 
Wondering that also.
Mine was roiling and boiling about 1/2 hour after eating 1 and 1/2 of them grown locally.
They are a "cleansing agent" for sure.
I was hoping it was just that particular pod and not the whole strain.
Sad to see it is a persistant trait. Really liked the heat/flavor combo.
Yellow Trinidad Scorpion CARDI:
Another great tasting pepper.  It had low heat (compared to a superhot), about on par with a habanero.  Sorry for the audio sync issues.  As you can see, halfway through, the video has a glitch that causes audio to be out of sync with video.  Not sure how that happened.

My Rating:
Heat: 4
Flavor: 9
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
Was hoping the keep the streak alive of great tasting peppers, but alas, like all good things, it had to end.  This was not a great tasting pepper.  Very floral with a bit of bitterness in the aftertaste.  It provided a mid level burn for a superhot.  What was weird is that my mouth went numb from it.  I've never had that happen before.

My Rating:
Heat: 7
Flavor: 6
JoynersHotPeppers said:
So what's next? the red? I have found them much hotter but you are an animal! 
Yep, the red is tonight.  I fully expect it to be hotter.  Peach variations are usually milder than their red counterparts, so it stands to reason that it should follow suit in this instance as well.
Red Billy Boy Douglah:
I let this one go too long in the refrigerator.  It was quite overripe, and thus, the flavor was not right.  The heat was a medium-high heat in the superhot range.  I will not give a rating on flavor since it wasn't represented correctly due to the overripeness.
My Rating:
Heat: 8.5
Flavor: N/A