hybrid Jigsaw (Jukka@Fatalii.net Breed) For Pepperlover

The Finnish chili pepper producer Fatalii Gourmet, based in Kirkkonummi, has succeeded in creating probably the hottest chili pepper variety in the world to date. The new product is sold as a powder under the name Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw.
The new variety is based on the Capsicum chinense variety Moruga Scorpion, which currently holds the title of the world’s hottest chili pepper. Official ranking for the heat of the Jigsaw variety will be applied for in 2014, once it is ready to be measured. As it is, the new variety will require several generations before it becomes established. 
The heat of chili peppers comes from capsaicin, a compound present mainly in the tissue holding the seeds and in the internal membranes of the fruit.
— Just by looking at the exceptional internal membrane of the new variety and the capsaicin that literally oozes from the inner surfaces you can tell that this really is a hot one, says Fatalii Gourmet’s chili pepper master Jukka Kilpinen.
Heat 11/10
Flavor 6/10
Yes sir, breakfast of champions. I see you took this one outside. I've heard this one is so hot it will make you hallucinate! You're incredible James, good review.
I personally really enjoyed the flavor, as it reminded me of a fruit I could not think of. Very nice tasting pepper in my opinion, and much better tasting than a lot of other superhots. In regards to the heat, I was surprised that I was not impressed. It hit hard and fast, but it died down pretty quickly. I have had hotter, but it could have been the plant. Maybe I got one that was not as hot as others.
My impression:
Flavor 8-9/10
Heat    9/10
Does someone else hold world records in Finland other than Guinness?
I have a few of these ripe sitting on the counter right now from my garden. Haven't decided to cut into them yet....
Thanks! I've got 5 jigsaw plants growing but they're just starting to flower. Anyone think this has a chance at the title? With the chocolate brain and brown bhutlah (plus others) right up there, does the title mean anything? I still think flavor + heat is where it's at. I've heard others say the Jigsaw is a bit bitter.
This is a pepper Ill be adding to the list. Since I love butch ts and everyone hates the flavor, figure I might love the jigsaw too since so many people don't like it!

Just by looking at the exceptional internal membrane
Had to read that about 3x before I figured out it said exceptional instead of exceptionally.. Couldn't for the life of me figure out why they were so excited the membrane was on the inside...
SL3 said:
Yes sir, breakfast of champions. I see you took this one outside. I've heard this one is so hot it will make you hallucinate! You're incredible James, good review.
Thanks for watching! It was pretty hot but I didn't hallucinate. lol
Hammerfall said:
how many scoville  on this one ?   any lab test ?
I don't know the shu on it, but it's not the hottest now anyway.
Jeff H said:
Does someone else hold world records in Finland other than Guinness?
I have a few of these ripe sitting on the counter right now from my garden. Haven't decided to cut into them yet....
That is an old posting that they never changed.
hottoddy said:
Thanks! I've got 5 jigsaw plants growing but they're just starting to flower. Anyone think this has a chance at the title? With the chocolate brain and brown bhutlah (plus others) right up there, does the title mean anything? I still think flavor + heat is where it's at. I've heard others say the Jigsaw is a bit bitter.
Title, no. Reaper is hotter. Flavor, not bitter, rather Red bhutish to me, but I haven't eaten a fresh red bhut since last year so my memory may be off.
I have a half dozen of these growing since last year when the seeds first came out. I don't have them listed because everyone has to sign that they won't sell anything that comes from those seeds before you buy them.
I waited to try a pod from each and every plant before I wanted to give an opinion, but they didn't vary, like I was hoping for because the first one tasted flat.
The taste wasn't special and tested maybe like a Jonah. The heat was a bit more than a Moruga but dropped off quicker. Judy's red lava, red brain, Douglah, reaper, and primos are all hotter. I'm getting rid of all my jigsaw plants to make space for more reapers and primos. Tom
Benniehanas said:
Anyone know the scoville of this pepper these days?
Dunno'? Maybe GOOGLE does?


It does not. The only ratings I've ever seen for it are ones that companies have fabricated for convenience and they're all blatantly inaccurate. Noone could possibly have found my harvest milder than Ghosts.