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media jiffy

i have been using jiffies and they have so far proven to be good . I put 3 seeds in each thinking at least one would sprout , well most have 2or even 3 sprouting. So how and when should i seperate and plant in seprate pots ? or just put the jiffy into a pot and see what happens?.
Cut off the extras. Keep sowing 2-3 per pellet as long as you have enough seeds. When you are low on seeds you can do one per. I wouldn't try to separate then and wouldn't plant them together.
I usually snip the weaker ones until there is only one seedling per cell (or jiffy pellet in your case), but only because I don't have a shortage of seeds or seedlings every year...usually the opposite problem. That being said, once the seedlings are somewhat established, they are generally tough enough to separate as long as the roots are not too intertwined, so do it earlier rather than later. And don't be paranoid about touching the roots either...they are not as fragile as some might think.
I generally use soilless mixes and coco coir to germinate and i sow two or three seeds per hole. I just dig up the one i move out to another hole or a cup whenever two or more germinate in one spot.

Takes a little practice. Just be gentle and careful. I usually dont kill my seedlings four out of five times. Lol. I've killed lots of seedlings and plants already.
haha I did the same thing last year when I started in jiffy pucks because everyone said the germination rate was low. I put 2-3 seeds in every puck and had almost every seed sprout! What I did was let them dry out a little and simply crack the puck apart to separate the sprouts. It took a bit of time to do, but if your careful and the puck is dry enough it was crumble in big pieces with the root attached. I then planted each sprout in it's own small cup and they all grew out fine.
haha I did the same thing last year when I started in jiffy pucks because everyone said the germination rate was low. I put 2-3 seeds in every puck and had almost every seed sprout! What I did was let them dry out a little and simply crack the puck apart to separate the sprouts. It took a bit of time to do, but if your careful and the puck is dry enough it was crumble in big pieces with the root attached. I then planted each sprout in it's own small cup and they all grew out fine.
Tell me about it lol. I heard the same thing and now i have forrest growing in each jiffy !.

Thanks everyone for your input i will do a test run on a few.
Steve, I was too tight to lash out on more jiffy pots and ended up in the same boat as you.
Big mistake :lol:
On the 13th Sept I experimented with a few....
The seedlings were all approximately 1 week old, and except for Nagas and Douglahs (which already sent long roots down), they were still hanging on to their seed case.
I figured that was a safe time to handle as there wasnt roots that could be damaged.
Worked carefully and quickly, snapped a few of the roots in the process....
I ended up separating everything and now, 3 days later, nil signs of transplant shock etc, and in fact, they are powering along.
Try experimenting early and see what results you get?
Oh and i tried using these jiffy peatpucks even if they cost an arm and a leg here. They were bad for me as my climate is too warm and i always end up overwatering the pucks and killing the seedlings. So i switched to potting mixes and coir.