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media Jiffy Peat Pellets

I got a bunch of these as a Christmas gift. I've heard mixed things about using them with peppers. Some people say they work fine but on a couple of websites they say to stay away from anything peat when growing peppers. Apparently they germinate poorly in peat.

What kind of experience have you guys had?
I am using them and haven't had any problems with them. I do however start my seeds in a damp paper towel placed in a ziplock bag. Once they start to sprout its transferred to the jiffy pellets.
I used them for many year, but no longer use them for peppers. Peat on its own is a very poor medium, it need to be mixed with additives like vermiculite, perlite, and lime to be most effective.
Just for the hell of it, I started some pepper seeds the other day, half in jiffy's and half in a mix of vermiculite and perlite. I'll try to get some pics of the progress.
Diabolus said:
I got a bunch of these as a Christmas gift. I've heard mixed things about using them with peppers. Some people say they work fine but on a couple of websites they say to stay away from anything peat when growing peppers. Apparently they germinate poorly in peat.

What kind of experience have you guys had?

I'm no expert by any means, but I started several varietals in Jiffy pellets in my dorm room (med school). Just to make sure, I put 2 seeds in each pellet. All pellets sprouted, most twice (making me re-think the redundant seeds). Once they got to be a couple of inches high, I transfered them to 20 oz. cups filled with Miracle Gro soil.

I had a great crop. I'm going to do the same thing when school starts back next week.

Good luck.
I would skip on them. Peat holds too much moisture and peppers don't like that, also it's peat! Not much nutrients there. Why not treat your peppers right (especially in the begining) and strat them in good soil?
imaguitargod said:
I would skip on them. Peat holds too much moisture and peppers don't like that, also it's peat! Not much nutrients there. Why not treat your peppers right (especially in the begining) and strat them in good soil?
I agree, if you arent careful the peat will rot your seeds if too moist. I have started them like that before with the Jiffy pellets but it seems to work better for me when I use soil.
I started peppers in jiffy pellets before then transferred them to coco coir as soon as I saw roots. I had explosive growth with insane roots, but I think that is the coco not the pellets themselves.

you can see the results here:

The seeds were planted on march 17th 2007 for frame of reference. The plants were larger than most transplants you find for sale at garden centers after 1 month from actually planting the seed.

Also I noticed the ones I grew in taller cup shaped containers grew bigger than the ones in the square pots