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media Jiffy Peat moss pucks


eXtreme Business
Silly question...

A couple weeks ago, I realized the awesomeness that was the Jiffy Peat germinating tray. Just take the peat hockey puck as I affectionately called it, prep it, and when the young seedling was ready, I would just take everything, unwrap said item, then transplant it. Couldn't be easier, right? So I got myself a 200 pack of new pucks for when I further wanted to germinate seeds. Tonight, I cleared out the remaining stuff from my Jiffy tray of ones that never germinated, only to realize the pucks I got were too big for the cells. My question is: Does JIffy make multiple sized peat moss pucks?
OK, thought so. When I bought the pucks, I was under the impression it was just one size. These are the 30's and I got the 50's I guess
for 1$ from home depot you can get plastic trays without cells that will take any size peat puck.

6 30mm across by 13 length wise...

probably be 4 or 5 for the 50mm.
I use the Jiffy pucks too. I always bought the trays and pods from Lowe's. This year there are no Jiffy products to be found at the local Lowe's. I thought I'd just use the smaller Burpee pods they had in my Jiffy trays...complete failure insued. Once the Burpee pods come in contact with water they grow like those black snake fireworks I had as a kid for the 4th of July. My Jiffy tray looked like a warm plate of poodle poop. I did find the Jiffy refills at Wal-Mart though.
Jiffy makes about 10 different sizes of them, but I have only ever seen 2 sizes at the big box stores, 30mm and 50mm. I only bought one tray this year because I wanted a half size tray for a specific purpose and after about three days all the discs were covered in mycelium. I have seen posts from a few others seeing the same thing this year. The pellets were definitely old, fresh discs expand in about 30 seconds, these took 10 minutes. I haven't seen any mycelium on the 400 I have used out of the case of discs I bought this year.
Yeah, the ones I used the other day took about 10 minutes or so as well.

If all goes well though, I may just end up getting 3-4 Jiffy trays (the 50-slot, not the 72's) to grow more peppers, then use the refills as needed.
Refills are much cheaper. I ended up paying a little less than $0.05 per disc when buying them by the case. The 30mm also fit nicely in standard 6 cell tray inserts.
The pellets were definitely old, fresh discs expand in about 30 seconds, these took 10 minutes.

I always use boiling water on the pellet/pucks which takes less than 30 seconds for them to 'plump up.' My reason for using the boiling water with chamomile tea was to kill some/many of the fungus gnat eggs that may have been deposited. So far it seems to be working better than cooler water.
Incredible to see CatherineW's post on GNATS in the Jiffy Peat Moss pucks!
I've been saving hot pepper seeds since September, the most interesting hot one's I run across, plus some I ordered on line. I bought several 12-spot little Jiffy Greenhouses at Wal Mart around New Years and planted them. I had about 8 12-packs growing with a variety of peppers: incredibly successful. I started them on top of my refrigerator. Now I have many in ground in the yard, in pots outside, and several in little pots on my south window sills inside. However, I also have GNATS! Lots of GNATS. I live in Houston and we've had a lot of rain lately, plus hot and cold cycles. The mosquitos are out now, so I assumed since the weather is so completely wacked-out that the gnats are part of the mix. But not so! Jiffy Pots bring GNATS! Yikes. I'll tell you that next year I'm boiling my Jiffy Pots in Chamomile Tea, and that's for sure!
Where do these GNAT eggs come from?????
I signed up for this blog just to post this message. I'll be back. Happy Peppers!
I haven't experienced a fungus gnat problem with the jiffy pellets, how it makes sense that they would breed because of them as you need to keep the pellets fairly moist...

I know it was mentioned, but anyone who does use the pellets make sure you at least tear the netting if not remove it entirely when you transplant the seedlings. I'm sure it does break down, but not over a human lifetime...