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JayT's NYE partyline.

He's attending his party for Amish mafia bosses.

They even had a lady jump out of a cake.

JHP...that looks magnificent!!!! CHEERS!
About the fireworks...Hogleg, 'member when we were watching the Hippy Hill fireworks, in like sub-zero temps!?!?!?! Their display was even more awesome this year! I always think about the reason they light 'em off...in memory of "Marji"...the coolest chick I never got to meet. It's apparent that more peeps are contributing to the celebration, cuz this years was amaze-balls! Missed having you here to watch it with!!!
For those of you with pets...try some Rescue Remedy for your 4-leggeds, pre-celebration. Not all fireworks are to annoy neighbors. Some are just full-blown memorials...and something some of us would never dare to do in July (fire season).