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contest JayT vs. megamoo

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I couldn't decide on a topping combination so I used everything. :D

Some preparation shots
Chopped the tops of some garlic cloves and poured on olive oil. Roasted in the oven.

You can scoop the soft clove out with a fork and eat it, its delicious. Only needed one but I did two because I can't help myself.
Fried some chorizo. LOVE the smoked paprika taste.

I put everything into nice little cups

Rolled the dough and put it on my pizza stone. (Ignore the messy stove top, my maid is on vacation)

Really should have taken more construction shots.

Into the oven.
Megamoo's Pizza for Peace

This is a peaceful resolution to the battle over toppings.



Ok have to edit this post to put some method to the madness. For the dough I used strong flour, which like OO flour is high in gluten and is tougher so it is used for pasta and pizza crusts. Regular plain flour is soft and weak so its better for cakes and sweet things. ( thankyou google ;) )

For my test pizza I mixed flour, yeast, warm water, olive oil and a pinch of salt together, then kneaded and left to rise for an hour. For the TD pizza I substituted 20% of the flour with semolina which has a coarser texture. It makes a nicer colour and more absorbent so it sucks up the sauce a bit.

Rolled it flat with the same rolling pin my mother threatened me with as a child and put it on a pizza stone. My oven turned itself off somewhow during the preparation so the stone wasn't as hot as I wanted but it still crisped up ok in the end. Put on the toppings then into the gas oven at about 200c until it look done thru the window.

The top right section:
Passata sauce mixed with some chopped Sage, Oregano, Thyme
a green Capsicum
chopped mushrooms
Bocconcini mozzarella
Chopped up Aji Lemon chillies (still have some left in garden)
More of the herbs sprinkled on after cooked

The bottom section:
I made some pesto using the basil plant in the teaser post. That plant is so good to me, I pick it mercilessly and it continues to produce into winter. I've started to talk to it like gollum to the ring. :scared:
Finely chopped red chilies (from the supermarket,)
grated mozzarella
Chilli flakes after it was cooked

The top left section:
"Bianco" sauce which is mashed up garlic mixed with olive oil and white wine.
Bacon pieces
Roasted garlic cloves
Red Carrot ribbons
Jalapeno rings
Pecorino Cheese
After it was cooked I topped it with Baby Rocket (in case you were wondering, rocket is arugula, and baby rocket is grown near a maternity hospital using recycled nappies..... I'm pretty sure that's right)

Oh yeah it was tasty too !
Damn MM!!!! Great idea!!! Love the colors and variety!!
That pizza would make me want to slap somebody, except it's shaped like a peace sign.
good looking pizza MM...

what up JayT?...you gonna be able to deal with that?
Thanks everyone :D

I didn't realize it was a peace sign until I uploaded the image :P I also put zucchini on the rocket one, and never used the cherry tomatoes in the teaser pic. Wasn't sure about the white wine and garlic sauce but it was sooooo tasty! I will definitely do a full pizza with that.
This is going to be interesting... For as good as that looks and the elaborate amount of toppings as it has, mine is going to be just the opposite. It is going to be like the first pizza made, Margherita. Simple dough topped with fresh mozzarella, heirloom tomatoes, and fresh torn basil. That's it. Oh and a few hot peppers of course. Here are the humble beginnings:



This is Farina 00 flour imported from Italy.


Yeast mixed with 100F water and fed with honey until it blooms.
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

this is gonna be a good one...
Oh I forgot this one.


I'm going to give it another couple of hours to finish rising and then it's time to fire up the grill.
MM - love that pizza!!! Great Job!!! :woohoo:

JayT - watching for your entry!!!

an early morning salute to y'all in this weekend's TD matches! :beer:
Sounds/looks delicious! Inventive way of working three entries into one. You know how to get votes.
Ok boys and girls. I present you JayT's Magherita Pizza


Dough: Farina 00 flour, water, yeast, honey, sea salt, olive oil

Toppings: Yellow and Red heirloom tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, olive oil, douglah, fatalii, red hab, bhut, garlic, oregano, fresh torn basil.

I made the dough and let it rise for a little over 24hrs. Preheated the grill to somewhere near 700F and let her rip. This is as simple and good as pizza gets.


looks absolutely mouth watering JayT...well done man...
Here's how we got there. First there was a lotta tequila drinking. Then I took the dough that had been rising overnight out of the fridge.


Kneeded it for a minute and shaped my pizza.


Put on the toppings


On the grill, almost done


added the torn basil and we're done


sliced up and ready to eat



While I often cook to excess, sometimes less really is more.
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