Jalapeno Varieties - Best Option for 2010 Grow?

If I could grow only one type of Jalapeno, it would be Billy Biker. I grew 4 different types this year and was extremely disappointed with all but the billy biker.
I've tried many jalapeno varieties and my favorite open pollinated type is Jalapeno M, and my favorite hybrid so far is Biker billy. This year I plan on trying several more new varieties but there are just so many jalapeno types
I started some Jalapeno M's mid summer and they are currently producing some pods in my basement. I love the flavor of these, probably one of the best tasting Jalapeno I've tried.

Size and heat wise the biker billys are a definite winner also, I grew 2 of them this year and they did very well, I didn't overwinter them because they produced so many pods I figured what was the point. Plus I already have a basement full of peppers as we speak, probably close to 60 and I need to get that number down a bit.
I'll add to the Biker Billy fan club. Fat pods full of heat. If I want a milder Jalapeno, I'll just stick with the Fresno. Also one of my favorites now.
I would really like a decent jalapeno sometime. Mine are always disappointing. Not sure why- and I'd like to see how it does- but the name "Billy Biker" has always struck me as a gay name for a pepper.
if k-mart stocks their burpee rack with biker billy's, i'll give them a try. im sort of hesitant to grow jalapeños when they are so readily available at the grocery store, but hey, homemade pickled jalapeño sound interesting.
I so badly want to try this Biker Billy Jap everyone raves about!

I was all geared up to buy seeds from Burpee but apparently they don't take overseas orders.... :mope:
I will add to the Billy Biker fan club...it is the only Jalapeno I grow any more...

Boutros...somehow I just can't see the gay connection....

I so badly want to try this Biker Billy Jap everyone raves about!

I was all geared up to buy seeds from Burpee but apparently they don't take overseas orders.... :mope:

I want to try these too. PM me the link where you tried to order them and I'll buy them and split them up and send your way.
I was planning on growing out Biker Billy "f2's" to see if they are actually hybrids which I believe they really aren't, but I forgot to save seeds. If anyone has saved some extra seeds, please let me know
I was planning on growing out Biker Billy "f2's" to see if they are actually hybrids which I believe they really aren't, but I forgot to save seeds. If anyone has saved some extra seeds, please let me know

PM me your address Derek...I have 80 that I saved...
Interesting....I'm planning on doing the F2 Biker Billy test this year. I have the same suspicion that they'll grow fine.

I grew the Grande Hybrid last year and they were actually pretty similar to the Biker Billys. A little less hot, with very similar dimensions and meatiness. My only complaint with the BB is that they're not very productive in my garden - 15 to 20 pods per plant, versus 45+ for a Jal Early and around 30 for a Grande Hybrid.

I'm growing the Jal M this year for the first time.

Biker Billy remains my favorite pepper of any type; if I could only grow one plant, that'd be it. I just wish it produced more pods.