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Is your stock pot burned?

Sometimes when cooking, you'll run into problems with your stock pot being burned. Maybe it's a thick sauce you are cooking, or you forgot to stir. Whatever the reason, this little tip may help you.
Pour white distilled vinegar in the pot, then boil the vinegar for 10-20 minutes or longer if needed. Watch the magic happen!
I have had limited success with the vinegar trick before, but Hydrogen Peroxide is the bees knees.
I burned my heavy stock pot once while making caramel...it had a black brick layer 1/8" thick that even a chisel and hammer wouldn't budge that stuff.
Searched the net and tried vinegar.....no help what so ever for me (simmer on low as advised)
Researched the net some more....advice was simmer Hydrogen peroxide...I put 32oz into the pot, brought it to a simmer for 15 mins, removed from heat and placed a tight fitting lid on the pot.
2 hrs later 90% had just lifted off the pan exposing my clean stainless shiny pot....another couple mins with a fabric scouring pad and the left over HP and a little table knife help to get the edges and BAM good as new.