heat Is there a new Hottest Pepper?

Forgive me if this has already been posted, but I can't find it in recent topics.  I came across this youtube video:
People were commenting that it had tested as hotter than the Carolina Reaper.  Evidently Ed Currie crossed a Yellow 7 with a Reaper and has been growing it out.
Can somebody verify the test results?
Will the Pods or seeds be available for sale?
Technically, no.  However, I'm sure there is.  Ed does supposedly have one that tested hotter, but there is relatively no info on these claims, therefor whether folks like it or not, Reaper is the hottest, technically.
Not sure how this could be hotter.  If the Reaper is the hottest and it get crossed with a Yellow 7 (which to the best of my knowledge has never been considered as one of the hottest), I would think that it would pack less heat than the Reaper.  Although I am by no means a geneticist.
buddy said:
Not sure how this could be hotter.  If the Reaper is the hottest and it get crossed with a Yellow 7 (which to the best of my knowledge has never been considered as one of the hottest), I would think that it would pack less heat than the Reaper.  Although I am by no means a geneticist.
Just look at what the reaper consists of.  Naga and habanero.  Two super hot peppers crossed together doesn't always mean the result will be hotter, nor  does two not as hot peppers crossed together mean the result couldn't be hotter than their parents.  Not sure that makes sense how I typed it out, but I'm not changing it.  :)
dragon49 said:
He is probably teasing us for marketing.  I don't mind feeding the hype train—This is fun. 
I doubt it.  I believe without a doubt he's got something hotter.  He has a ton of crosses apparently, and tests often. 
Same plant 3 different ripening colors ? Nah
New knowledge to me
Now same plant have many/rainbow colors that's normal (i.e. Bolivian rainbow, or Chinese 5 color, Goat's weed: green-Black-Red... etc...
But they all must ripe red
There is No such thing as different ripening color on the same specie, unless you do grafting like citrus.  
The one he is showing with "Arms" is unripe (If came from the same plant), the "Arms" is just a normal occurring growing phenomenon in the Chinense family. 
I've never had a plant no matter how unstable it may be come out with three different color phenotypes, now shape or size phenotypes yeah i've had that but color, no. Especially after 4 generations, it should be getting more stable thus having less variation. So I don't know about this one. 
And of course there is a hotter pepper than the Carolina Reaper, Brow and Chocolate Morugas are a lot hotter, Brazilian Ghosts are hotter, and some crosses I've had this year blow it out of the water, but getting them tested is expensive, and keeping the isolated to get the exact results you want is even tougher. 
Another thing is peppers will always burn different for different people. A lot of peppers feel hotter than they test at, The Brazilian Brain Strain tests at something like 1.3 million, but feels hotter than the brown moruga to me, but tests lower. So it's all about the individual eating it.
i'm not really a fan of these hype reviewers. 
smokin james, bill moore, nigel, georgej, snacksandsuch so much more informative.
anyways i'm sure there are a few strains hotter than the reaper (choc brainstrain, choc moruga, eds mystery strains, choc lava to name a few) but they haven't been officially tested so they can't knock over the reaper.
LawrenceJ2007 said:
I've never had a plant no matter how unstable it may be come out with three different color phenotypes, now shape or size phenotypes yeah i've had that but color, no. Especially after 4 generations, it should be getting more stable thus having less variation. So I don't know about this one. 
And of course there is a hotter pepper than the Carolina Reaper, Brow and Chocolate Morugas are a lot hotter, Brazilian Ghosts are hotter, and some crosses I've had this year blow it out of the water, but getting them tested is expensive, and keeping the isolated to get the exact results you want is even tougher. 
Another thing is peppers will always burn different for different people. A lot of peppers feel hotter than they test at, The Brazilian Brain Strain tests at something like 1.3 million, but feels hotter than the brown moruga to me, but tests lower. So it's all about the individual eating it.
Brazilian ghosts are far from stable.  Whether or not they get hotter as they near stability no one knows.  I think testing early gen crosses is silly. 
Never been tested but myself, and a couple others think the Buckeye Butchlahs are hotter than the reapers we've eaten
Oh I know they are, I had plants throwing off brown and red pods this year but both great pods! I'm just saying they feel hotter than the reaper any day of the week.
yea, like others have said it would be nice if there were more ways to test the heat.  Crazy how one pepper can test hotter on paper, but multiple people can eat one that scored much lower on the same test yet get way more of a burn from it. 
There will always be a "new" hottest pepper. Always.
Smokin` Eds Carolina Reaper has the paperwork, for now. The question is, do we care about paperwork? The answer depends on your point of view. Ed Currie`s Carolina Reaper has a lot of testing behind it, but is it the hottest pepper? From a scientific point of view the answer is yes, as no other pepper has been tested the same way. From a subjective point of view, the answer is all over the map.
From a purely personal and totally non-scientific point of view, The Reaper would not make my top 10 hottest. That does not mean I`m right, in any scientific sense.
So, basically any new hybrids are in the same boat. Totally untested and untried. Marketing is everything, though. 
That's because you have a few types of capsaicin (5 actually) of which two have a much more potent effect on your Body. So it might score lower on capsaicin score but still be very potent. As they don't test the SHU by dilluting I figure this might influence the results of a simple test.
i make my apologies now and so anyone on here who know me knows ME knows im not being sarcastic to anyone, but but the situation at hand, but i just don't see the whole point of why it even matters which is the hottest when the damn things cook your internal organs like a well done Haggis !!! LOL
i might be a wuss but taste is always first with me always has been always will be
i guess fame and fortune will always win the day :P :confused:
thanks your friend Joe