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favorite Is the Orange Hab a runaway favorite???

My favorite Hab (or Hab shaped C Chinense) is the:

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cheezydemon said:
Is the simple "brown" hab a hab?

And how do you know?

I think chocolate habs are actually Congo or possibly Scotch bonnet relatives and they all seem to originate from the Caribbean or Congo.
Do you have a reference or a link Potowie? I am fascinated with accuracy also, but at some point, we may need to accept "hab" as most any C Chinense, just for the purpose of meaningful dialogue without getting bogged down in what is a hab and what is not.

For what it is worth, I have made a concerted effort to label any c chinense as such and not necessarily a hab.:shocked:
tough choice.. the orange is the easiest for me to get my hands on, no matter what time of year it is, but not for long....
Its gotten to the point here that most C. chinense varieties are called habs now and I guess I just have to live with that. In other parts of the world they wrongfully call all C. chinenses Scotch bonnets, or congos... I like to be accurate when possible so as not to further decay taxonomy, but maybe I'm just sounding like a jerk:(
Its gotten to the point here that most C. chinense varieties are called habs now and I guess I just have to live with that. In other parts of the world they wrongfully call all C. chinenses Scotch bonnets, or congos... I like to be accurate when possible so as not to further decay taxonomy, but maybe I'm just sounding like a jerk:(

Spot on my friend look at the nagas and jolokia`s so habs and scotch bonnets aren't fairing much better.But great to use there correct names to not confuse thing even more than they are now..Jerk why knowledge and experience always valued ;)
Definitely not like a jerk.

I will NEVE give up on the "irregardless" thing, even if the powers that be decide to accept it's incorrect usage just because it is widespread.

But if I am in normal conversation with someone, I will not very often stop them to point ouit their error if they use that word.

So while I am much more likely to be considered a jerk,(;)) I think that in normal conversation here....:If it tastes like a hab, looks basically like a hab, everyone knows what we mean if we call it a hab.

I respect your point! I have just seen more than a couple of threads get bogged down on this very subject.
Didn't we just do this yesterday? My favorite is Chocolate Habanero because I grow so many of these plants. I voted orange yesterday but I only grow one plant a year and have enough. The chocolate hab is a huge pepper that has incredible flavor and looks great at harvest time. There isn't a hab I don't like.
rainbowberry said:
But you don't like Orange Habs as much? I went through a love/not so much love stage with Orange Habs though.

They're not bad at all. Quite, good, actually. I certainly won't turn them down, but i prefer(if given a choice) the reds a good bit more....they tend to be much fruitier flavored that the orange ones IMO.
I voted for the orange hab not exactly knowing if I actually ever had one. I'm no frequent Mexico traveler, never been there. And I have no access to a DNA-lab. I like to be precise and have to be in my job. But chilis are a hobby for me so I have a more pragmatical view on that subject. I might see habaneros called chinense because the guy growing them doesn't exactly know and wants to be precise. And I might buy a habanero from a farmer whom I expect to be a pro and it actually is a habaneroid looking other chinense. There might be non-habanero chinenses from Mexico and DNA-identical habaneros grown in Africa. I will never know. So if a pod is told to be a hab I call it a hab. And if it is just called chinense I call it chinense. And if I trade seeds I openly say what I know and what I don't know.