indoor indoor peppers are drooping

I usually start my seedlings outdoors directly but I wanted to get a nice jump this year, so I bought some grow lights and started my peppers the first of March.  I have 12 pepper plants and they seem to be doing really well except for a couple issues.  Some of the plants have some leaves that are slightly cupped both upward or downward.  Some of the plants have leaves that appear slightly wrinkled, especially new growth.  The biggest issue that I'm concerned about is that two plants now appear droopy, watering does nothing.  The soil is a seed start mix, I water when the plants tell me to which is around 2 times a week.  I fertilize with a diluted miracle grow liquid once a week.  I run a fan on them a couple hours a day.  I keep them very close to my T5s, 3 or 4 inches maybe.  I'm wondering if these pots are just too small?  Maybe too much fert?  I really need to keep them inside for two more weeks before I can set them out, I would hate to pot them up just for a couple weeks.
Any thoughts?  The plant in the middle is one of the droopers and the large leaves are cupped downwards.  The plant on the left is one of the wrinkled fellows and some of the leaves are cupped upwards.  Plant on the right was bought by the gf at a spring plant sale last week, it was much taller, lighter colored, and had fewer leaves than my plants.  Had none of the issues mine have though.   All the plants were started at the same time, watered at the same time, given the same diluted fert, strange that they all have different issues or no issues at all.


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the middle one looks really waterlogged. You have holes in the bottom of those solo cups right? I just can't see that good. They are probably there.
Maybe it is drooping because it had enough light for the day and it just wants to rest a little while before perking up again.
yes there are slits cut at the bottom of the cups, it had been growing well and not drooping for several weeks and then it suddenly started drooping about 5 days ago.  It's droopy 24/7 now, the time of day doesn't really matter.  It's really strange, I've never seen a pepper plant do this before.... aside from the aforementioned issues the plant still looks healthy and is continuing to grow quickly, none of the plants have dropped a single leaf.
Hmmm... the leaves are really dark green, that could mean too much nitrogen so maybe I should cut back on fertilizer.


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The last two pictures were taken Tuesday of this week, the plant still looks the same today.  This picture was taken Sunday of this week, the same plant looked normal (circled in red).  


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Chilidude said:
You can always check what is the condition of the roots.
Good idea, if it starts dropping leaves or stops growing I'll check them.  Hopefully you're right and it's just going through a phase, kids and puberty.
Ive got one rocoto that is just plain fussy (started in a peat pellet). So i just leave it alone now and it seems to be happier. Same soil mix and nutrients as the rest but for some reason it wants to be left alone. Started another in ProMix and it seems fine sofar.