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indoor Indoor Grow

Little shop of horrors there! Jeez! I don't think you should be allowed to call that a plant anymore its like a bonsai bush. Awesome set up! I live in Duluth MN so I have to grow mine indoors all year and during the summer can put them out during the day. I have caribbean reds, tabasco, pequins, and royal black. Like someone said earlier the reds will turn orange first. It's just the reality of it, but they only take a day or two longer to be full red. Nice operation though! They might have a hard time at first, but they'll adapt. During the winter my apartment fluctuates between 60 and 70, but with the warmth of the lights and the ceiling fan above they put peppers out all year.

I'll be following this!
Thanks for the kind words guys I do appreciate it!! I came home from work to find my starfish are ripening also!!

My lady bugs have been busy also :beer:
So since I got my lady bugs I have been methodically releasing them. About 15 first couple days to see if they would escape my grow tent. Than yesterday or the day before I released about 150 of them and they seem to be busy bees checked my plants still had to squish aphids, I didnt do a hardcore aphid search last night or this morning figuring these lady bugs should be starving and doing work. I got home tonight and took a good look and aphids were everywhere. How does this happen in a grow tent with 200 lady bugs??!?!?!


Oh there they are:


I released the last 100 or so tonight after a good squish session. They better get to work or the poison is coming out or I may just destroy everything and start again.
Do you have Neem oil Laz? That would knock down a good percentage of them. It wouldn't get them all, but at least it would lessen the damage that huge aphid infestations can do.
Aphids have gone down alot but still an issue, I am no longer angry at the lady bugs for hanging out in the corner, they had their orgy and are back to eating aphids. I saw something strange on my hydro tub so I took a look and found a bunch of lady bug eggs, took a look at the side and found more eggs. So in 4-10 days should have some really hungry larvae on my hands. Should be the final days of the aphids. :woohoo:
Aphids have gone down alot but still an issue, I am no longer angry at the lady bugs for hanging out in the corner, they had their orgy and are back to eating aphids. I saw something strange on my hydro tub so I took a look and found a bunch of lady bug eggs, took a look at the side and found more eggs. So in 4-10 days should have some really hungry larvae on my hands. Should be the final days of the aphids. :woohoo:

Nature, got to love it... And yes Neem oil is awesome. I think of it as salad dressing for my growing plants. :dance: :dance: :dance:
Nature, got to love it... And yes Neem oil is awesome. I think of it as salad dressing for my growing plants. :dance: :dance: :dance:

Yeah it really is awesome. I watched a lady bug walk right by an aphid and thought REALLY?>!?>! but than it turned around chased it down and ate it! I feel like I am watching NAT GEO when I look in my closet sometimes. I will have to look into this Neem oil.
Wait until the larvae get to going lazy. Those babies are eating machines! Like they can't get enough. If conditions are good enough for the ladybugs to mate and deposit eggs then it won't be long until your aphid problem is taken care of. Ladybug larvae are wicked cool.
U gotta love those aphid destroyers :D

I found a few aphids on my plants today.... but it turned out they were empty husks of zombie aphids.

Nature can be satisfyingly cruel sometimes. :hell:
Thanks guys! Yeah Patrick the environment must be great because I am finding eggs on the walls of my grow tent lol. A few disapeared so either they hatched or got eaten by a spider or something who knows. All I know now is the lady bugs and hopefully some larvae have been going to town on those aphids and the infestation has decreased rapidly!!! Its getting harder and harder to find aphids to smash myself, I think I'll leave the rest to the lady bugs. Here are some update pics!

My hydro plants are ripening quickly should be bright red soon!

As you can see from the picture above most of those pods are habish shaped, the next 3 pictures are from the same plant. Since it has such a variance of pod shapes do you think that means its some sort of unstable cross? Again it is supposed to be a trinidad scorpion and the newer top pods are starting to look alot more like they should be. Has anybody seen that happen to a scorp?


Long huh?

My Starfish

My Habalokia sure has recovered well and has a bunch of pods at the top forming too. Hot tasty little guys these are.

Thats not a tomato its my Red Rocoto! Very excited to try this one.
Hey Ryan. Glad to see the bugs are doing their job. Earlier in the year I documented the life cycle of the ladybug. I noticed the egg sacs turned from yellow to white the day before they were hatched. Here is a pic of my little Nymph-maniacs right after they were born. They hung around the white sacs and used it up as food for a few days. Make sure to not be fooled as to what they are and squish them. May all your babies be hungry and voracious.

I have been finding lady bug eggs everywhere. Found two groups of them on the outside of my grow tent but no lady bugs, they must have went back in lol.

Those are some amazing pictures!!!!

Sorry I do not have a good camera so the macro mode turned out to be useless.

None the less, IT HAS BEGUN muahahaaaaa:
If you look at the first rivet thing above them you can see more lady bug eggs that were hidden away from me until I saw this pic.

I really wasnt kidding when I said I was finding lady bug eggs everywhere:


I've picked and tried most of the pods, but got a nice little harvest tonight. I think the yellow pods are yellow 7's, havent tasted one yet to find out.


A Q for size.

Good to hear them ladybugs are smashing those aphids, lazi!

This here thread coupled with something I witnessed yesterday in my own backyard--hypoaspis predatory mites going to town on fungas gnat larvae--has truly inspired me to try predatory mites against my broad mites this season. Something's really gotta give!
Good to hear them ladybugs are smashing those aphids, lazi!This here thread coupled with something I witnessed yesterday in my own backyard--hypoaspis predatory mites going to town on fungas gnat larvae--has truly inspired me to try predatory mites against my broad mites this season. Something's really gotta give!

Yes the aphids are pretty much gone, having a real hard time finding any!! Neato I have not heard of these hypoaspis mites before will have to check them out.

Its much easier finding these guys all over the place.


They grow up so fast!!

Heck yes they are CA!!!! The top of my plants were getting yellow from being too close to the light, the yoyo hangers I had them on would not go any higher so I had to take everything out which gave me a chance to water the plants than clean the bulb and glass and hang the light up just on the metal poles that go across than change my hydro res. I am going to have to start trimming the tops of the plants pretty soon. The miracle was I only saw and killed one aphid the entire time on all my plants!! Not declaring it aphid free yet but I have tons of those quick little lady bugs running around and plenty of eggs waiting to hatch so it should be cleared out pretty damn soon. Okay here are some pics.

The roots in the hydro system keep growing into the reservoir like crazy! I am going to have to trim these things up:


Saint feels neglected when I clean out my grow room.


Moving this thing in and out of my closet door is becoming near impossible. I will have to figure something out.


Lastly I got to pick a few more peppers while working:
Holy tree man thats a beautiful indoor plant.

Quick question, did you move those inside with pods already on them? Or did you self pollinate and the pods began indoors?
reason for asking is I have a big beautiful bush of a Habanero that i got to throw out like 5 pods, they ripened and now all I get is flower production and no pods.

I want my grow tent harvests to be more than 1 at a time like i get from T5's,and be like yours(I have 600w hid now also)