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Impy's lil balcony family.

My little ones are doing well. I really didn't think I'd make anything live...so most of these aren't even labled, lol. The plants are jalapeno, habanero, caribbean red, scotch bonnet, & one or two other varieties I'm forgetting. In the lil cups & egg carton I'm trying to grow fatali, choc hab, white hab, & more jalapenos. I've included a shadowy pic of my biggest hab plant bearing fruit :).



Looking good Impy...keep it up...
Here's another lil update:

This hab plant is going to town!!!


Here's the whole plant:


I've got some jalapenos growing now, too!


Got me some lil sprouts now, too. I know I prolly won't get any fruit on these before it starts to get cold...but they'll be fun to watch, anyway.

umhuh...looks like your gonna have some nice pods on that hab plant...and the japs won't hurt either...
Nice pics. I thought the same thing when I started out so I planted say 2-3 seeds per pod out of 72 pods and just my luck all but 10-15 seeds sprouted! I just moved about 20 into larger pots of 2 each, and still have a patio full of about 30 big plants is very small pots that need to be potted up after giving away around 20 of them. That reminds me I need to snap a few pics and post the progress as a lot of my plants are flowering or have buds already.