indoor I'm running out of indoor grow space under my T5

What do you do when you run out of growing space under your T5 lights?  I have another month until I can transplant my plants outdoors and at this late in the growing stage I really don’t want to invest in a new light.  I don’t have any issues with pests or disease.  Do I run any risk in harming my plants if I leave my plants as is and allow them to grow and overlap each other?
I think you will be fine with your current set up. plants all look healthy and there's still space between them. Just make sure you keep air flow through them, A small oscillating fan would work. can trim lower leaves if you need to. (I don't practice what I preach ) 
I just moved all my plants into the greenhouse. Keep an eye on harbor freights sales ads. Can often find their greenhouse for around $200 and it's pretty decent but a pain to assemble. I managed by myself though. I kept some plants in it all last summer. 
as warm as our spring is this year it's looking pretty good. Though mosquitoes are going to be brutal. 
When do you plan on starting to harden off?
+1 to both responses.  Keep an eye on airflow and watering.  Weak stems and damping off can become more of an issue if the plants are supporting each other.  
Your plants look great!     
I concur with the above. I would recommend during final transplant the addition of Mykos per directions. It will give your then to be root compaction a steroid like boost .
Start planning also for next year either for more space and or larger containers or space and light to accommodate both. Grows dont normally get smaller, they get ridiculously larger.