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ID confirmation?

Howdy all! I could use some help ID'ing a pod that I found at an Amish farmer's market this Fall. When I cut it open, I was met with a VERY strong citrus aroma. The flavor was very typical for a Chinense but tasted more citrusy than your normal habanero. I have own idea what it is but would like to have it confirmed with other members on THP.

without a measurement I would say it resembles a Fatalli and the citrus smell IMO would back that up. Others here have much more intimate knowledge of them and I am sure will speak up.
well other then not knowing whether or not that it's a fatalii, it sure is a nice looking pod, but 11 pm your taking pictures of a pod? why? lol wish I can grow fatalii that looks like that mill
TheAlaskan324-C'mon! You need to brush up on your military time. 2100 is 9 PM. All in good fun. I agree, very nice looking pod.
I was wondering if it isn't a yellow chicken heart pepper, aka yellow hinklehatz pepper.



I was gonna say Hot Lemon. Burpee sells these, so they're fairly common. I saw some seeds at a Menards and I've seen plants at hardware stores.


The shape isn't quite the same though. Yours is more rounded and fat on top and not as skinny and curved, so I don't think it is a Hot Lemon but it's possible I suppose.

I agree about the fatali, all the ones I've seen are more bumpy and wrinkled. How hot is it?
Not a hot lemon, limon... whatever you want to call it. The hot lemon is a Baccatum, and you can tell most of the time by the way the stem connects to the pod.
My thought was that it is a Fatalii judging from the aroma, taste and HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAT!!! At first, I thought it was an Aji Limon but the heat made me think otherwise. Cut the whole pod up on a couple tacos. . . boy was that a mistake! :mouthonfire:
look closely at the attachment of the stem to the pepper.

I think the green leaves form a cap as the limon wrap around on the pepper tighter. I think the pepper pushes up into the green leaves cap on the hot limon pepper. So I don't think this is the limon pepper.

here the stem meets the pepper flat.

It is not the limon pepper.

here is a picture of the limon pepper. Notice the connection of the stem to the pepper. It wraps around the pepper at the joint.

Good point, I forgot that baccatums connect like that. I've only grown one, hot lemon, last year. I have a few germinating for this year though. :D
It does kinda look like a Fatali, but smoother. Ive only seen a couple of pics, but what about a Datil? Not a pro at those, so I dont really know for sure.
It does kinda look like a Fatali, but smoother. Ive only seen a couple of pics, but what about a Datil? Not a pro at those, so I dont really know for sure.

I grew those last year, and mine were sort of a long oval shape. But, looking at pictures on the internet, a lot of them look a bit different than mine and look quite a bit like this one.


Could be right. These look pretty similar and the description sounds accurate. They're not quite as hot as habaneros, so I wonder what the heat is like...
well, military time is not a big thing for me, to confusing haha I thought bacatuums were smaller and more round then anything else, or I might be thinking of som'ing else