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I hate meeces to pieces

Mouse traps work. Dogs learn quickly to stay away.
Did some experimenting last night. Its definitely not mice. The poop is way too big. The field behind me has ground Squirrels but I thought they were daytime critters even though the poop seems to fit the culprit. I am beginning to suspect a RAT or perhaps moles. I put out 3 crackers absolutely soaked in the hottest Hot sauce (Bhut based). I Placed out the crackers near my plants at 10pm went back out at 11pm and they were all gone. Every last crumb with some nice succelent chile plant leaves to finish off. Unfortunately heat is no concern to this critter.
Gonna set up some traps this weekend and see what I catch.
I got a similar problem... bloody possums!

I was thinking about spraying my plants with a mix of capsaicin, garlic and citronella because *apparently* they don't like heat. I just wish someone would have told that to the little shit I had running around last season who evidently was quite fond of hot fresh ripe pods! Gonna give it a burl this season anyway in hopes the garlic and citronella may be some deterrent.

Sorry, gotta laugh at your failed attempts of bhut sauce on crackers.... only cause I know all too well! :lol:
I know people want to see pictures of abundant harvests at this time of year but I have to write about something. I caught the culprit(s) in the act this weekend. The varmits are Rats and one was sat there destroying a Bhut Jolokia plant to the nub. It didnt even run off when I shone the torch on it. That one wont be destroying any more of my plants but I really cannot believe how persistant they are. I would chase one off the plants go back in the house and 5 minutes later it was back (or its friend was). For the last 3 nights a battle has ensued and I have put together a more and more elaborate array of traps and fencing to prevent them getting to the plants but each morning I wake up to find more plants destroyed. I swear they are out for revenge. Now I dont see them but I can hear them scarper as I approach (these thing learn fast). Time to dust off the air rifle this weekend and fight back.

What I have realized is that my current growing area isnt not the best place to use. I cant easily fence the plants off and we have tons of fruit trees in our garden that probably attract the rats in the first place. My current growing location backs onto a large open church lot but there is nothing I can do about that. Next year I will have an entirely new setup.

I will definitely be scouring the Classified section for my chile fix this year :(
Rat bastards! That sucks major balls!

At the moment I'm brainstorming ways to clear out possums. I'm not going to let them little shits ruin *another* season for me!! :mad:
Well quite of a few of my super hots recovered from stumps and have just started growing pods but its waaaaaay too late in the season.

Its 100 degrees outside but cooler weather cant be far away.



Good to see the recovery, albeit late in the season. Hopefully you have room to bring them indoors and they'll continue over the winter.

I ended up with a groundhog problem, and also some other rodent digging in one of my pepper pots. Ammonia poured down the lair got rid of the groundhog, and capsaisin sprinkled on the dirt got rid of the other. I live in a pretty rodent-heavy area - squirrels, skunks, chipmunks, rabbits, groundhogs, mice, etc. Most of our neighbors complain about mice, particularly in their basements, but we don't have that problem - the cat works it out.

I am not growing superhots (this is my first year growing peppers, and I've got LTR Cayenne and two kinds of Jalapeno only), and I've read that the superhots typically take longer to mature, but usually the info I read is based on germination to rip pods. About how long does it take for your superhots to get from that tiny pod to ripen? My cayennes are slower than the jalapenos, but it takes about a month for them to get to full size, then another couple weeks to ripen.
Sounds like the rodents have a healthy diet, why don’t you set a squirrel trap and take it for a drive next weekend, but don’t hurt the little guy as karma will come back and get ya.
Sounds like the rodents have a healthy diet, why don’t you set a squirrel trap and take it for a drive next weekend, but don’t hurt the little guy as karma will come back and get ya.
You have noooo idea how many animals (rodents and other) are around this area - get rid of one, there are plenty more ready to take its place.