annuum I ate a False Jalapeño

Today while checking all of my plants, I noticed that I had some decent sized False Alarm Jalapeños, from Burpee, that looked ready to pick so I cut one off of the plant and tried it. I planted several of these so that my wife can enjoy them, thinking that they wouldn't have any heat to them. Well, after a few minutes of chewing I realized that there is no way she is going to eat these and I'm glad I tried them before she did. They had the same taste of a Jalapeño and just about the same level of heat. These peppers were really good but I'm not really sure how Burpee came up with this description:

"Jalapeño Pepper. 62 days. Does the thought of a hot pepper leave you cold? This new beauty with only the slightest hint of the heat brings savory jalapeño flavor to non-heat lovers everywhere. Even better, False Alarm makes compact plants that are barely 18" tall, yet smother themselves with thick-fleshed, 3" peppers. A good thing, too, cause you can eat a lot of these mild, tasty jalapeños. Excellent for roasting, nachos, poppers, and salsa. It's the perfect little hardly-hot pepper for small gardens and containers. Burpee Exclusive. Grow in full sun".

I'm now left wondering if maybe the seed package was miss-labeled or I miss labeled my containers. I can't wait to try the other plants that I have labeled as False Alarm.
Usually people are looking for the heat, but I know what you mean. you bought those thinking they'll be great for your wife, but they're nothing like the description.
got lil kids ? my 3 yr old changes the tags in the pots thinking he is helping me hahahahahaha...

sounds strange though and lucky you did try em 1st :)
theHippySeedCo said:
got lil kids ? my 3 yr old changes the tags in the pots thinking he is helping me hahahahahaha...

sounds strange though and lucky you did try em 1st :)
lol, I can see you thinking "That Jalapeño looks an awfully like Bhut Jolokia. oh well...". :lol:
Jalapeno taste without the heat

I grew some no heat Japs last year and the flavor was good with very little heat...they were the TAM Jalapenos. They were developed by Texas A&M and selectively bred to take the heat out...

Here is a link to the description of the pepper...
AlabamaJack said:
I grew some no heat Japs last year and the flavor was good with very little heat...they were the TAM Jalapenos. They were developed by Texas A&M and selectively bred to take the heat out...
Thanks AJ, did they taste just like a regular hot Jalapeno? I got one of those as a seedling and it's doing very well. No peppers yet, but in a couple more weeks.
Yup...tasted like a regular jalapeno but no heat...
Well, I grew these for my non-chilihead wife. I thought the one I tasted tasted good, but way too hot for her. I'm hoping that I just miss labeled that one plant and will know if that's what I did soon.

Thanks AJ, I'm going to look for those TAM peppers next year, sounds like she'll like them.

BTW, IGG...LOL...You seem to have too many things that represent evil...LOL
I've got the Burpee False Alarms, and Billy Bikers both growing right now. There had BETTER be a significant difference between the two! Like you guys, the False Alarms are for the wife. Although, she's been trying the hotter stuff. She loves the flavor of Fatalii's...
klyth said:
I've got the Burpee False Alarms, and Billy Bikers both growing right now. There had BETTER be a significant difference between the two! Like you guys, the False Alarms are for the wife. Although, she's been trying the hotter stuff. She loves the flavor of Fatalii's...

Klyth, I have not tried my regular Jalapeños yet so I don't have anything to compare them to other than memory. But, I do think there is a slight difference in the heat, just not enough for my wife. You'll have to let me know what you think.