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fertilizer Hydrolyzed Fish Fertilizer storage?

I'm completely new to organic gardening and have a question about "Neptune's Harvest Hydrolyzed Fish Fertilizer". In bold print on the back of the bottle it says do not store premixed.... its there any reason for this? will some bad juju or something happen? :)
More than likely it'll start growing. if I had to store pre mixed store in a dark place- keep sealed for smell alone. Always try the directions first experement latter.
It will smell horrible. :sick: One advantage hydrolyzed has is it's almost odorless. But if you dilute it and then store it, it will stink. Also clean the container after each use and you won't be dry heaving every time you feed your plants. :)
i've been using fish ferts since may of last year. i'm not really sure if it's helped, if at all. but i'm pretty happy with my progress, so i guess i'm doing something right. =D
thank you all for saving me from doing something stupid! i was getting ready to mix up a gallon of this for may seedlings.... guess ill be mixing up a pint at a time now :)