nutrients hydro nutes

what nutes do you all use I've used the ghe flora series in the past but my local hydro shop doesn't stock them, if i was to carry on with the ghe nutes I'd have to get them online.
GH flora micro and flora bloom. I've also tried CNS17 grow and bloom. I've also got some really old monkey juice bloom a and b.
I'm currently using the "Cultured Solutions" nitruent line from Current Culture ( and have had great results. Aside from good growth, I like their nutrients because they don't have any organic goopy "stuff" in them that tends to be a problem in deep water culture systems. These nutes are a bit more expensive than the Gen Hydro though.
You might also check out House and Garden nutes. Again, they're a bit more expensive, but most retail stores carry their products. And although I've only used their "Drip Clean" with amazing results, many people I know swear by their products.
From my experience I think the Gen Hydro Flora series is the most economical, best all-around hydro nutes there are. As Smiley was probably going to suggest, if I were you I'd just buy that stuff online.
I use dyna grow and dyna bloom, and maxi grow and maxi bloom.
Been reading great things about floranova grow and bloom, and may try that soon.
green okie said:
I use dyna grow and dyna bloom, and maxi grow and maxi bloom.
Been reading great things about floranova grow and bloom, and may try that soon.
From my LIMITED experience so far you really don't need much if any of the grow nutes when it comes to chili plants. If you'd like, check out my glog to see how my plants have progressed with Flora Micro and Flora Bloom. GH has been a solid performer and easy on the wallet.
I have no experience with the FloraNova line, but from what I've read it's a very thick concentrate that requires a lot of shaking. Some folks have actually switched to the regular Flora series because of it.
Blister said:
From my LIMITED experience so far you really don't need much if any of the grow nutes when it comes to chili plants. If you'd like, check out my glog to see how my plants have progressed with Flora Micro and Flora Bloom. GH has been a solid performer and easy on the wallet.
I have no experience with the FloraNova line, but from what I've read it's a very thick concentrate that requires a lot of shaking. Some folks have actually switched to the regular Flora series because of it.
I grow many different things, so I like to keep some grow nutes on hand. Also just in case of an emergency, like a deficiency.
Thanks for the tips.
I give them a peep.
Using Nutriforte 1+2 fertilizers at the moment, but the powdered stuff is kind of slow to dissolve in to the water, so i just ordered  a set of GHE Floramicro/Floramato bottles and plan on trying them out. :woohoo:
Chilidude said:
Using Nutriforte 1+2 fertilizers at the moment, but the powdered stuff is kind of slow to dissolve in to the water, so i just ordered  a set of GHE Floramicro/Floramato bottles and plan on trying them out. :woohoo:
Well, the GHE Floramicro and Floramato fertilizers are here:


Measures for each fertilizer are in Floramato bottle, i am gonna start adding this stuff to my coco plants.
I'm growing in coco and used the Canna coco last year with more or less success. I don't like the fact that you can't mix them in a way where you can change the NPK, they just have 5-4-3 (which seams strange for fruit bearing plants). Also dislike their bottles.
This year I plan to use GHE Flora series - it is a bit more expensive than Canna per liter, but it is more concentrated so it should last longer. 
About Flora series, I wonder why people don't like using FloraGro? It's NPK is 3-1-6, so it should be good for peppers and tomatoes, right? I heard they like high K...
edit: Just found this:
Is there any truth in this very aggressive marketing?