breeding Hybrids Going Bad

So far I only had one successful hybrid pod. Most the others just fall out. I am doing the method that Khang Starr does and it's barely been successful  
Sorry to hear your hybrids aren't taking. I'm sure that's frustrating. At least one took. Which hybrids have you been trying and which one took?
What do you mean by successful? As in, you're not getting the phenos that you were hoping for from seed stock, or your plants are not doing well?
Ghaleon said:
I'd hate to be working in the emergency room in the event of a 16 way pube cross.
It's what happens when you drink too much, and can't remember if you were playing strip poker or Twister.  Oh, and also when you aren't smart enough to play either of the two without drinking.
SpeakPolish said:
So far I only had one successful hybrid pod. Most the others just fall out. I am doing the method that Khang Starr does and it's barely been successful  
Just out of curiosity...  What made you want to grow peppers that way?
That's really more of a last ditch method, or for the morbidly curious.  It's hardly ideal for growing peppers to begin with.  Sure, there will be those who chime in, and relate their personal successes.  But it's going about it the hard way.  It's the equivalent of pounding nails with the butt end of a screwdriver.
I assume you're talking about cross pollinating flowers? Then yeah, a whole lot of them won't take, I experienced this last year. I would try with every available flower on the plant that was at the right stage at that time. Just know that a good percentage of the time, most of the ones you try, some will fall off, every time.
solid7 said:
Just out of curiosity... What made you want to grow peppers that way?
That's really more of a last ditch method, or for the morbidly curious. It's hardly ideal for growing peppers to begin with. Sure, there will be those who chime in, and relate their personal successes. But it's going about it the hard way. It's the equivalent of pounding nails with the butt end of a screwdriver.

I assume he's trying to make unique peppers, why else? Is there another reliable way to control the flow of DNA? I had a few crosses last year just by inter-planting and saving seeds, but I didn't get to decide who the fathers were. That being said, I tried collecting pollen and emasculating flowers a few times and it really isn't easy to even perform... especially when your yard has mosquitos that see a carefully concentrating person as an easy meal.
Hey there, Kangstarrs method is good providing plant is in good health, the only other things to tick off the checklist is to minimize nitrogen in your feeding schedule, minimize variation in heat and humidity if possible focus growth by removing already naturally growing fruit that you deem less important than the crosses you wish to achieve, using smaller baggies which are less likely to damage the stalk/calyx or burden with weight - act as a wind sail etc.
I find that my chinense varieties in our cooler climate in NZ respond better towards the end of summer as the days get shorter the plants seem to go into survival mode, during which i get an almost 100% ratio of crosses hooking as opposed to a roughly 50/50 chance earlier in the season.  Growing indoors, artificial lighting etc seems to work well regardless of season.
And don't forget to label the stalk/pedicel with cotton/string and a label as those damn bags fly off. still haven't found a better method. 
cheers and good luck.