fertilizer How to fertilize pepper in soil?

Hello everyone
I got a question about fertilization. I'm a newbie and this might be a stupid question.
I'm growing peppers indoor in soil and using Advanced Nutrients (Grow+Micro+Bloom) fertilizer.
The question is should I add recommended mix to every watering or do some kind of mix(e.g. 3 times fertilizer water one time pure water), and what about in summer time when the peppers go out, they will use much more water?
To me it seems that if would add fertilizer to every watering they would be overfed.
I do every two weeks. But yes, it does depend on the type of fert and also how new the potting soil is that you have them in. I usually wait about a month after I transplant into new potting soil before I start using ferts. Most people think bloom nutrients are a waste of money too.
Does the bottle have directions for soil growing or only for hydro? To be honest, I don't even mess with liquid ferts anymore. Too expensive and I get better results with worm castings and seaweed kelp extract.
No soil instructions, only hydro.
I'm going to go with 2-cup hydro method until I transplant to soil. I just don't want to screw up and want to be prepared, I also have 2 grown plants that will start producing soon. I'm growing things in my apartment so manure and making my own compost etc.. is not something that I can really do, so I'm stuck with liquid.