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hybrid How to cross two peppers?(CLOSED)

Can anyone give pointers on crossing two peppers I want to cross my bhut jolokia thats flowering but not produceing with my habanero that is?
Crossing peppers is fun, but getting the right characteristics is really a long-term kind of commitment... sounds like you might be better off getting a bhut type that is a better producer that what you've got...
Might I suggest this link: http://thehotpepper.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1

Questions like this are asked ALOT, and have been covered in depth several times :) Don't mind the asking, but searching first is a good idea.
Going to try a Bhut and Tepin---I hope.
Timing is everything. :party:

Goal is a more robust Bhut that isn't as picky in climate, or a Tepin that is a bit hotter.
Of course, many years till I find out for sure.

Going to try my hand at crossbreeding a couple, self pollinating a couple, and let mother nature give me "Mystery Peppers" on the rest.