raised-bed How to apply steer manure raised beds-?

OK sounds like a dumb question but I'm hearing different things on how to apply-
1st that if you get it to close to the plants it will burn them.. 
 And I'm not sure If I should mix it into the old soil and plant right away?
The guy at the nursery told me to apply as a top layer not getting it close to the plant stem and not mix it into the soil?
I've got corn already growing would it be safe to apply a inch or so directly to the corn bed?
The brand I got is like coffee grounds nice and fine looks to be already composted.
Gargoyle91 said:
OK sounds like a dumb question but I'm hearing different things on how to apply-
1st that if you get it to close to the plants it will burn them.. 
 And I'm not sure If I should mix it into the old soil and plant right away?
The guy at the nursery told me to apply as a top layer not getting it close to the plant stem and not mix it into the soil?
I've got corn already growing would it be safe to apply a inch or so directly to the corn bed?
Is it fresh or composted?
Gargoyle91 said:
Its really fine like coffee grounds pretty dry looks to be composted
If it's composted then it "shouldn't" burn, as far as I know anyway. I'm sure more knowledgeable growers will be along to add their knowledge.
i use well composted horse manure , i put 2 truckloads on the garden then till it in .  works great and its free !  worms love it .    :onfire:
If it's a bagged product I'd guess it's aged. I'd scratch it in to the soil and water it in vs leaving it on top. Whats the brand?
I had friend give me bags of horse poo and I spread it all around the collards not worrying about/or knowledge of danger and no burn no worries here