fertilizer Homemade fertilizer

This guy shows a homemade fertilizer recipe:
Says it's good for leafy, flowering and fruiting plants.
Is this actually viable? I'd assume there would be a danger of fungal infection. Also, not sure how readily available the nutrients would be, and if there's a high chance of burn or deficiencies.
Another homemade fertilizer recipe was something I was told by several local gardeners. Goes something like 1kg (~2.2lb) of common comfrey and common nettle mix per 10L (~2.6gal) of water, left somewhere sunny in a large, preferably dark, container, covered with a something loose, mixed and stirred every day, then in around 2 weeks, when it stops foaming, it can be diluted and used. It's mainly supposed to be a nitrogen fertilizer, from what I understand.
Are these any good or just bull? Any good alternatives to store-bought? I live in an urban area, with not much more than a balcony to work with. Compost and manure is virtually impossible to get, and the only fertilizers available are inorganic ones. There are some organic fertilizers available, but they're all imported and expensive as hell.
Thanks. Cheers!
Make some, sacrifice a plant for testing. It will eventually start smelling like sulfur/rotten eggs...not sure how your neighbors are going to feel about that.

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